Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello, And Welcome To 2008

As I write this, it's nearing 2am and I'm wide awake. 2007 was farewelled two hours ago (well okay, my time) in spectacular fashion. We're not big 'New Year's' celebrators but we like to snuggle on the trampolene in the backyard with a blanket and - ahem - ring in the new year by - cough - 'counting stars'.

What a big year 2007 was at Lizzie's Home! We've been around for nine or so months now, with even bigger plans on the horizon. And there have been several key personal changes afoot, things that I never thought I'd be discovering. I still have some way to go on this score yet, so I'll keep my cards close to my chest, but the developments have been both strange and exciting at the same time. 2008 promises to be a year of further reflection and it's highly likely certain key decisions will be made in regards to the journey begun in 2007.

Woah - vague enough for ya? LOL.

Good grief, it's been hot here! While many of my US readers are dealing with ice storms, snow and general in-need-of-hot-beverages weather, we've entered into the oft-lamented Australian 'high summer'. Today the temperature hit 42ºC (107.6ºF), our third straight day of on-the-flip-side-of-40ºC (104ºF) heat. Tomorrow (today? January 1st at any rate) we get a 'reprieve' of 38ºC (100.4ºF). Wednesday is slightly more palatable at 33ºC (91.4ºF) but then we're warming up again to hit 39ºC (102.2ºF) by Friday. Monday Jan 7th will feel positively cold at 28ºC (82.4ºF).

I'm really looking forward to Monday.

Every summer we get two, sometimes three week-long stretches of 40ºC + weather and every summer I whinge about them, LOL. Many years ago I visited my sister in Katherine, NT ('The Outback', more or less) and the stifling heat nearly killed me. We also took an overnighter to Darwin, and the humidity almost finished me off. I will always be a southern (ie, colder climate) gal! Sis, who now lives in the tropics of Queensland, is completely used to the hot/humid weather, but the thought of living through a permanent, sticky summer makes me want to curl up and cry :P I'm far more comfortable with temps around 23-25ºC (somewhere around 75ºF). You know, cool enough not to raise a sweat walking to the mailbox but warm enough that you can get away with a short-sleeved top.

Okay, a glance at the clock has informed me that I've now passed beyond that 'staying up late because it's New Year's' idea and have moved into the realm of stupidity (that would be 2:15 am!) So I must get my katookuss to bed.

Happy 2008 everybody!



stacey said...

Happy New Year to you!

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