Friday, January 11, 2008

Saturdays Are Designed For Chores, Right?

I feel really old tonight. Ever have one of those days when you just feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? I haven't slept well in the past couple of nights and I can really feel it.

This is what's on my to-do list for tomorrow, in no particular order:

* Cycle my way through 3 or 4 loads of laundry. Always a joy.

* Make a start on clearing out the spare room, which we've been trying to find the time to do for months now - it will eventually be Boofah's room. I'd like to get it cleared right out by the time school goes back on January 29.

* Put the finishing touches on an interview I'm conducting with Amanda from Free To Live. Amanda is a fellow autism mama and I'm really interested in her journey, which I imagine goes against the politically-correct consensus of today. This is a 'real life only' endeavour though (no publication online). Amanda has very kindly agreed to be fodder to round out a portfolio of autism pieces I'm putting together for my Very Last Submitted Work Ever for my writing course. This coming week will therefore be reminiscent of the last crazy deadline schedule in late November, but after that, stick a fork in me, I'm done :P

* Do a pantry and freezer inventory. Menu plan for the following week accordingly.

* Work out a cash budget for groceries. I used to be super-good at working to a grocery budget, sigh. February might have to be another 'track finances' month too.

* Write a list of items needed for the new school year. We're in the midst of back-to-school sales at the moment and though we'll be getting off quite easy this year, I do need to purchase a few items for the kids' uniforms. Plus there are always the 1c notebook deals :) I usually stock up on those (for the kids to scribble in/write stories) and reams of cheap printer paper (good for, surprisingly enough, the printer, but also as a cheap source of kids' drawing paper - I can pick up 500 sheets for $4, but a 'drawing pad' from the dollar store costs $2 and may only have 50 sheets. No brainer). I also have to take the kids school-shoe shopping, probably early next week, which is always lots of fun (*insert sarcastic groan here*)

* I'm sure eating chocolate will factor in somewhere...

* Make a fabulously delicious meal for dinner. I have no idea WHAT exactly, but I'm sure the Cooking Fairy will sprinkle some magic dust on me while I sleep tonight.

* Take down the Christmas tree. New record this year!

* Take Miss Moo to a birthday party (this is actually going to happen first thing in the morning). This is her second party in two days. Another couple of weeks and the 'rush' will have finished until about August, phew. I'm very thankful I have half a drawer full of 'extra' toys I picked up during the Christmas sales for large percentages off.

Now I'm off to the land of Nod.. zzzzzzzzzzzz


(Picture Credit: Toronja Azul, Creative Commons Attribution Licence, via Flickr. Hat tip to Lynnae at From Under The Clutter for mentioning this post at


lynnae @ from under the clutter said...

Wow! You had a lot on your plate Saturday! I hope you accomplished it all!

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