Sunday, January 6, 2008

Where I Admit My Ignorance

Quick question for my more technologically-savvy blogging counterparts - can someone give me the heads-up about stat counters and feed readers? At the moment I have my Google Reader account set to display my posts in their entirety right in the reader - do people viewing my posts this way still count as a 'hit' to my stat counter? Or do they only count if they actually visit directly? Does it make a difference if you set your preferences within the reader to only display the first few lines of each post?

Any help on this would be much appreciated!



libby said...

Hi Lizzie,

I was just asking my dh about this the other day. Apparently it doesn't count in your stats. They have to visit the actual site for it to register. I do read mostly from google (oh, so, convenient) but every-so-often visit the actual sites. Dh said he can set up/find a counter for google reader but he hasn't as yet.


libby said...

Oh meant to add. If there's only a bit of the post on google reader - I will only click over the blog if it's something I'm interested it - which half the time is when I'd read from the blog anyway.


Lizzie said...

Oh gosh, no wonder my stats have suffered since I offered a subscribe button (easier for readers to do it that way)!

Must change that today then...


Lizzie said...

(Must change the google reader settings that is...)


Lizzie said...

Also Libby (you can tell I have thought out my responses particularly well this morning....hey, I just woke up, LOL)...if your husband does find the counter thingy for Google Reader, please forward the info to me...I'll probably forget all about it, LOL. You can email me at or give me a yell via the comments on any post. Thanks!


Kin said...

I don't read blogs that don't offer full feeds. You might want to read this post:

Lizzie said...

Kin -

I've had an interesting hour or so following a Bloggy Brick Road via the link you gave. Very interesting - lots of stuff I haven't considered. A post is coming soon about what I discovered/found. I did go ahead and do a partial feed today but I think I'll switch back to full. Having said that, I have some thoughts on the matter...LOL. Stay tuned (and resubscribe if you noticed the partial feed today! It's going back to full!!! I don't have all that many subscribers and I need you :P


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