Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday ~ January 22

I think I've participated in one, maybe two of these in the last year? Clearly, procrastination is one of my vices!

Today's tackle is really very simple. We have a fourth bedroom currently being used as a storage room. We have been telling our poor 7yo son for at least a year that he'll be going into that fourth bedroom 'soon' - at the moment he shares with his 6yo sister, an arrangement that is fast wearing thin for both of them, LOL. The room they share is girly to the point of purple sparkly paint. And I won't lie - I'm desperate for the day when we can separate those bunk beds and I don't have to kill myself changing the sheets on the top bunk!

But that spare room is amazingly cluttered. I'm talking wall to wall STUFF. It needs a thorough cleaning and cobweb eradication. And we have to offload a perfectly-fine-but-rarely-used home gym which takes up half the floor space. It's a case of never having enough time to tackle a job which we know won't be finished in just a few hours so we keep putting it off...and putting it off...and here we are 12mo later and the room still looks like a bomb site.

Today, I'm simply going to remove all the bagged up goods I've been stowing in there for our next charity run. There are at least ten trash-can sized bags of clothes, household goods and various knick knacks just sitting in there taking up space. Even if I have to stack them in an embarrassingly prominent location in the house (like, right in front of the television, LOL) in order to remind ourselves to take them to the thrift store, then so be it. Something's got to be done!

This will very much be a 'stages' tackle. This week, the donated goods. Next week, probably stored papers and wedding memorabilia. Engraved shot glasses anyone? LOL.

P.S. Forgive the lack of before and after shots - honestly, after spending thirty minutes in there hauling white plastic trash bags out, there's not a whole lot of difference. I'll post the before and after shots when I'm done! LOL.

For more Tackle It Tuesday participants, call in at 5 Minutes For Mom.



~Tyra~ said...

I've been procrastinating tackling my laundry room and my upstairs closet. I need to just start!

Thia said...

Can they go right into the car? That is what I have to do otherwise we end up triping over a stack of pots in our entryway for a month. (glances at entry) Yup, they're still there.

Karen said...

Good luck. That is a great idea to stick those bags where you have to look at them. LOL

Lizzie said...

LOL - actually, leaving them where I can't miss them is a GOOD thing - if I stash them in hubby's car (I don't drive) you can be absolutely certain they'll get forgotten and then we'll go to load the groceries one day and realise we don't have any room in the trunk :P


Jamie said...

Been there and am there now. Its amazing how things can just stack up. Not sure about the area you live in, but here we have a company to call and they pick up charitable items that are being given away. Its wonderful! All I do is call and put items outside with labels on the arranged day of pick up. Then I never have to worry about when I will find the time to load up the car and move them myself. Just a suggestion and good luck.

Lynne said...

The big news is that you got started! That's the hard part. :-D

Dawn said...

A few months ago I cleaned out the worst room in my house. It took me all month. I tried to do a little bit every day. Even if you only do 15 minutes a day you will have it done before you know it. Good luck. You're off to a good start.

Karen (Forgiven and Loved) said...

Wow! Sounds like a big job ahead of you! It'll be an awesome room for your ds though!

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