Saturday, January 19, 2008

Free Stuff! And Other Stuff!


On Monday 28th, I'll be participating in my first giveaway carnival! Yay!

This is post number 291, so by my calculations, if I post once a day until then, the 28th's post will also be my 300th :) So I'm dreaming up something to give away. I have a few good ideas (*wink*) but I'll keep them to myself until the 28th :)

I'm also unsure about opening it up for international entries. In case nobody has picked up on it yet, Australia is a looooong way from most other places (LOL) and shipping for all but the lightest of packages can be a little painful. Which may or may not be an issue if I manage to secure the giveaway I'm hoping to secure! But I've noticed that most of the giveaways Shannon hosts, and I suspect a lot of the other folk who will particpate in the carnival will be the same, are US-only shipping. Which leaves us Aussies (and many other OS readers) out in the dark, unless, of course, lots of other Aussies decide to participate in the carnival also. Even if I open it to all readers, then Aussies will have to 'compete' with the lovely US ladies, when to be honest, there are far more giveaways already open to them. Did that make sense? LOL.

Anyhoo, so I'm tossing up between international entry or Aussie-only. Hopefully I'll get my hands on the goods I want and then shipping won't be much of an issue either way (and I really would love to open up the competition to every one of my readers). If you're Aussie and reading this, would you consider hosting your own giveaway? You know, to make up for some of the (literally) hundreds of US bloggers who'll stick with US-only shipping?

On to other matters...

Hubs is back at work today after four weeks annual leave and before that, four weeks of a training course. So right this second I suspect he is plowing through hundreds of internal emails. Poor guy.

Master J has a friend over this afternoon. It's a long story but I almost feel as though I'm being used as a babysitter while the mum gets some errands done. I'm trying not to think too much into it because the other lad is from his classroom and also autistic, and I understand what that particular life nugget is like, but still.

I need to get some laundry done.

My absolute-no-more-extensions study deadline is on Tuesday. The very last ever. Then I'm no longer (officially) a student. Until, you know, the urge hits again sometime in March.

We still haven't cleaned out the spare room/Boofah's new room. Now that Hubs is back at work it looks like that job will fall to me, sigh.

We're only ten sleeps away from the new school year. Woohoo! Master J goes into Grade 4 (gosh, I remember his first (loud) day of 'big school' like it was yesterday, sigh) and Boofah is in Grade 3. Miss Moo brings up the rear as my Grade 1 Girl. *Sniff*

And that's pretty much it. Although, I do have a strong and unrelenting urge to watch Sense & Sensibility for the 1362nd time. Be still my beating heart, Mr Ferrars...



Scattered Mom said...

It does pose a problem for you, doesn't it, Lizzie? I find that some places will ship to Canada, and so we get to participate, but not always.

Shipping is pricey...because then sometimes you have to pay brokerage fees at the border, too.


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