Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm Half The Size I Was Yesterday!

Some of you will notice that I've shortened my 'viewable' thingamy in your feed readers. If you subscribe to Lizzie's Home in a feed reader, I'd love to get your thoughts and comments about the whole partial vs full feed debate.

I hope those that 'love and sub' Lizzie's Home won't find the extra click too inconvenient :) While I absolutely love Google Reader just for the simplicity of doing the rounds of my own favourite blogs, I personally don't have a problem with clicking through to a person's 'real blog'. Having said that, there does seem to be two very distinct camps on this issue. Chillihead and Shannon from Blogging Basics 101 covered this topic back in August. They made a good point - they consider partial feeds to be a kind of 'Hey, I've put something new up! Come on by!' I agree with this. It's almost like receiving an invitation in your mailbox to an afternoon tea with a whole bunch of your closest friends :) But I'm also keenly aware that not everyone follows my way of thinking, so I thought I'd open it up for discussion.

Do you have a preference, within whatever feed reader you personally use, for partial or full feeds, or don't you mind either way? I'd love to hear your opinions.



Thia said...

Well, part of the reason I use a reader is so that I do not have to click on 60 blogs a day. Personally, I find using the reader doesn't change my commenting. If I have something to say, then I just click over. So, I prefer the full view. Would I stop reading a blog b/c they shorten the view? Probably not.

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

My thoughts echo Thia's. I prefer the full view because it's much simpler for me. Your page isn't one of them, but there are some pages that take a long time to load (because of extraneous background music, background screens and pointers, etc.). But, truth be told, if the part of the post that I see in my reader doesn't grab my attention, I usually don't click over to it and finish it. Sad, but true.

Lizzie said...

Lori - I'm exactly the same and it has very little to do with any of the political stuff I mentioned in this post, LOL. Two reasons - first,I set my Reader up to show 'list view' so often I only get the headings and maybe an extra half a line - and if it doesn't 'grab' me, then I skip over it. I have 140 odd feeds, so it's just something I have to do now and then. Second, oftentimes I just don't have the time to read what I want to read. In reality, as someone mentioned on one of the sites I was reading tonight (forget which) - you've 'hit the spot' enough with a reader to have them subscribe in the first place, which is half the battle!


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