Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lizzie's Home Printables ~ Update

Those that have been anxiously awaiting the update of my Printables section for the last - oh - eleventy-two years (and I'm sure there are literally hundreds...right? Hello?) will notice a few things are missing today.

The ones that are currently up are all PDFs, so you can freely (and much more easily) view and print them. The old Excel files are on my To-Do List to convert over this weekend. Or you know, at least this month anyway. The converting itself is as easy as choosing an alternative 'printer' from the menu, but then there's the uploading to the file host, and re-linking them back to here and let's face it, somewhere in amongst that process someone usually gets hungry, breaks something, or comes to me bleeding. So no promises, LOL. But I'm getting there!

Also, don't you just love the groovy button? That's a Hubs' original photo :) - there are some benefits to never having to pay for stock photos, LOL. He's gearing up for his photography exhibition as I type. We just ordered our raw materials for our cards and I hope to have them available for sale online sometime around Easter. Or a little before that if I can get my katookuss going. All bets could be off once school returns on the 29th of this month! I think initially we'll sell them in themed sets of five or six (all flowers, animals, seascapes, mixed sets and so on).

Ahh, the washing machine beckons...



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