Thursday, January 3, 2008

But she'll Look SO Different!

My baby, my adorable Miss Moo, is having her first 'real' haircut tomorrow morning. At newly-6-years-old, all her lovely, loooooong hair is being cut off. I'll hold off posting the 'before' photo because I can guarantee it will seem so much more dramatic when I post it next to the 'after' shot. Sigh.

Moo has visited the hairdresser only once before, for a simple trim. Most of the time I've neatened up the ends myself and I've been trimming her fringe (bangs?) since she was old enough to have one. But her hair is now at that length where people comment on it - it has become her defining characteristic. She can sit on it. So why are we getting it cut?

It wasn't a conscious decision to keep it long - it just sort of happened. When it started to get nice and pretty we liked it so much we just never considered cutting it. When she was younger, she had this gorgeous golden streaking through the sides of her hair from where it was pulled back in a ponytail (her hair is mostly light brown). Then when she started school at the beginning of 2007 it was fantastic to be able to pull it back in a plait (braid) each day. But it takes so long to get ready in the mornings and though I'd happily put up with the extra work - I love long hair on little girls - she has been asking for some time now to have it cut up near her shoulders. In other words, the kind of dramatic change that will turn heads for other reasons when school goes back at the end of this month after 6 weeks of holiday.

When she first started to talk about The Cut, I subtly steered the conversation away and that worked okay for a few months. But lately she's been more insistent and I'm finally at the point where I've just decided to let her make the decision. I will miss her long hair terribly, but I'm happy to cut my morning 'get ready' time as well, so we'll see.

So at 10:45 tomorrow, I'll be sitting in our local salon with my little-but-suddenly-a-lot-more-grown-up daughter, asking her if she really wants to cut her hair for about the ten billionth time in the last week. I hope we don't end up with a horrible cut - I'll be devastated. I'd probably cry! We're going simple - just a bob, but we have no idea how it will behave once the length is taken out of it as she's never had that style before. The poor mite could be cursed with her mother's hair, which inevitably kinks out on one side rendering a bob rather frustrating. Once it's cut, it's gone forever, probably never to reach that length again. I did debate within myself about telling her straight out no to getting it done, but much as I love her long hair now, at some point I'm going to have to let things like this go. Better her hair at age 6 than body piercings at age 14. Or tattoos at 16. *Shudder*

Update tomorrow...sob.



libby said...

Hi Lizzie,

I think bobs look so cute on little girls. My dd6, along with about 3 other girls in her class of 8 all have bobs. ANd I can't tell you how great it is in the summer with all the swimming they do. PLUS she can brush her own hair EVERY day. Can't wait to see the after photo.


stacey said...

oh, i know your pain! my almost-6 year old seems to be growing up so fast these days. she lost her first tooth last night and i did almost cry!

good luck tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh Lizzie, Welcome to the start of letting go, it does start with the first real haircut. I allowed my 14 yr old daughter to get her eyebrow pieced just before Xmas as a reward for such an excellent report. She had been asking since she was 12. Some people have been horrified that I allowed her to get it done but considering the issues that I could be dealing with at this age a piecing is not woth arguing over, it's her face if she hates it later she can just take it out.

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