Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Quick Bloggy Break Update

Surprisingly, this whole 'blogging break' thing seems to be working. I know - what am I doing here now? I'm on the Grandpa PC, thus without access to all my links in my Favourites folder on the laptop. And I feel no compulsion to manually type in the URLs of the sites I visit regularly...that's if I could remember them. I mean, I could use the links here on Lizzie's Home, but that would be cheating :)

I gave myself half an hour yesterday and today to check emails, both on battery power, which has now been obliterated. Methinks my laptop battery has about half what the manufacturer says it has.

Good news though - I've spent a large chunk of this weekend studying, and I think I may have broken through the hump that has had me paralysed for weeks. It's not my best work, but it will get me a pass, which given how late the assignment is, would be a brilliant result.

The Piglets are at that stage this afternoon, after a weekend off from school, where they're starting to push boundaries, so things are a little slower on the study front today. But I should still get the entire assignment finished by the time I hit the sack tonight.

And an ironic little twist. This is post 178 - about the same as I weigh right now in pounds. Blech. Though the Look Great in 2008 Challenge (I'm too tired to do hyperlinks...see the right sidebar, LOL) starts officially on Wednesday 19th, I'm starting on Monday 17th (tomorrow). And not before time either.

See you on the flip side...



mummifiedx5 said...

Hi Lizzie!! Great to hear that you're getting some study done, good for you! Catch up soon!

Gail said...

Hi Lizzie, hope youdon't mind me asking, but what is your interest in autism. Just had a look at Jim Sinclair's writing from your link.
Cheers Gail

Lizzie said...

Hi Gail :)

My son, Master J, is autistic. He was diagnosed at age 3.5 (he's now nearly 9 - good grief!). I'm not sure if you've come to know of my blog recently but I used to have an essay I wrote myself called The Journey up - all about our initial dealings with diagnosis and such. Putting that back up has been on my to-do list for ages (LOL), and it will probably end up in the 'Watch This Space' section in the left sidebar.

Jim Sinclair's essay changed how I initially viewed my son's disability. If you look in the 'Neat Little Gift Wrapped Boxes of Lizzie' section in the left sidebar and then click on 'The World of Special Needs' you'll see the stuff I've written in previous posts. Of course I reference this mysterious article in one of those posts (which isn't up yet!) so just ignore that part...LOL. I've also had a couple of really basic pieces about disabilities published online and one in print, however I've chosen not to link to those because they contain details about where we live and my children's names :)


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