Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ode To A Sick Husband

(Another drag-over from the old Lizzie's Desk blog. This one was originally posted May 26th, 2006. Beside myself over my husband's then-constant bout of sickness (a lovely gift leftover from his days with glandular fever), coupled with my freakish ability to personify the whole 'I'm rubber and you're glue' mentality when it comes to germs (in that nothing ever 'sticks' to me, but burrows deep and catches root in HIM, therefore rendering me a perpetual nursemaid), I penned this frustrated little ditty...)

(*sung to the tune of Good King Wenceslas)

Good wives all around the world
Prepare yourselves for cleaning
When the bowls lay all about
Waiting for the heaving
Brightly shone the bathroom light
Though the air was foul
"Honey, can you come here quick, I think I need a to-ow-el!"

Some will come but most will run
You look like Death on To-oast
With bloodshot eyes and dripping nose
Don’t try to play the host
Broadly grinned the wise doctor
His pockets lined with go-old
And you’ll be wishing for the days
Before this blasted cold!

(Update: my husband, God bless his cotton socks, hasn't had a terrible bout of sickness like this for at least a year. Those that have had glandular fever (mono) will attest it lingers like a bad smell, and can cause all sorts of long-term problems. Hubs, naturally, is one of those unfortunate few for whom mono wreaks havoc on the immune system and so generally speaking, if someone in China has a sniffle, he'll come down with pneumonia the next day. To paint a picture, in one 14 mo period he had tonsilitis four or five times. Catching every bug around was how it was for at least three years after the mono, but for some strange reason, he's had a good run over the past few seasons with no major issues. But we all still panic when he sneezes!)



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