Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday ~ November 7

Because it has been such a long time since I participated in Works For Me Wednesday, I decided to throw a bit of a mixed bag into the ring, with several ideas up for grabs. Come with me, if you will, on a mini tour of some WFM items in my home at the moment :)

First up, the cutest little toothbrush holders in the known universe. Why? Well partly for hygiene reasons, partly because my kids are forever leaving their wet toothbrushes on the bathroom counter and lastly, can you see how darned cute they are? The little coloured 'faces' lift up so you can get to your teeth-scrubbers, and I'll tell you, I've never seen three kids run faster to the bathroom for a voluntary brushing session before in my life. I think the set of four cost me about $3. The green one is Mummy's (I keep a second toothbrush and 'my' kind of paste in the kids/main bathroom to save me disturbing Hubs by using the ensuite if he's sleeping off a shift).

Next up, the "Make Yourself At Home" box. I spoke a little bit about it in this post earlier this week, but then I realised showing is so much better than telling, so here it is. The contents will vary a little as time goes on but basically this is just a small little basket into which I've thrown sample-sized toiletries and other pamper items to make guest feel more at home when they stay over. You know, nice lotion to rub in after a bath, floss because you left yours at home, paracetemol because my kids talk at 'eleven' like all the time...

The Shrek toothpaste and the Simpsons bandaids (sticking plasters/bandages) just give it that added sense of class, don't you think?

Next on the list, the Treasure Boxes. What are Treasure Boxes? Why thank you, I'm glad you asked. My middle child (boy) and youngest (girl) share a room, and therefore a built-in-closet. I designated one shelf for each of them as 'theirs' on which to arrange, you know, kid stuff. Papers and trinkets and the wrapper from the chocolate bar Nana gave them for their birthday last year. The problem is, they just kept adding to the shelf. And adding. And adding some more. Pretty soon there's a paper/stuff avalanche every time I have to slide open the door to hang some clothes. So I bought them these boxes - about $4 ea - which are 10 litres or something like 2 ½ gallons in capacity. I told them they could only keep the trinkets that could fit into the box. End result - big purge of unnececessary keepsakes and much, much neater shelves. Plus, the stickers helped to sweeten the deal - they decorated them themselves :) And yes, those are toilet rolls in Boofah's box. He uses them for pins (ten pin bowling) or binoculars. Of course.

Next up is this nifty over-the-door hanger gadget I picked up for a few dollars. Since switching to a 'mostly hang' clothes system (as opposed to folding), having this over the laundry room door means I can hang clothes direct from the dryer. And it's portable too, so I can hang it over the loungeroom door when I'm doing the ironing. Takes up a fraction of the space of one of those hanging racks on wheels.

Our linen cupboard was an absolute mess (made so 99% of the time by yours truly) until I added these labels to the shelves. I just printed off a regular sheet of paper with the names of all my various linen-y groups, cut them out, and stuck them to the top edge of each shelf with a bit of clear contact paper (book covering).

This is how they work. I know. Pure ingenuity.

And as you can see, we a) only follow the system half the time, and b) apparently have clown blood in the family, LOL.

For more Works For Me Wednesday, pop over the back fence and say hidey-ho at Rocks In My Dryer.

Note: I can't believe I did this AGAIN. After weeks and weeks and weeks of not putting in my WFMW post, I decide today is the day, take photos and everything, and then find out it's another backwards day! I might get into trouble but I'm going to post this anyway, LOL. Forgive me dear internets. Also, just to make it 'legit', here's my question:

How do you stop neighborhood cats using your garden beds as a litter box? My kids often cut through the front beds on the way to the footpath out front, and more than once they've stepped in a 'present'. Also, they (the cats, not the kids) seem to favour one particular spot in the garden bed directly outside our front door - and anyone who has smelled cat pee will know, it doesn't smell like cookies and milk, LOL. And that wafts through the whole house.

See....saved, LOL.



Eileen said...

I ADORE the toothbrush idea! We're in an apartment (roomy, but not the bathroom!)...and am always looking to maximize organization. Wonder if they sell this in the states?

Chrissy said...

I swear by the website when I need to get rid of a pest.
This is from his site:
"Cats can't tolerate the strong odor of citrus, Vicks or Cocoa Shell Mulch. So when you are having a problem with a cat, you can use this against them. Say a cat is using your flower bed as a litter box; just cover the area with Cocoa Shell mulch or some ground up orange, grapefruit or lemon peels. Or using twine, make a fence covered with Vicks. Lets say you want to stop a cat from sleeping on a chair; just place some orange peels on the chair. To keep a cat from coming on your porch, sprinkle some Tang crystals around the area of entrance by the cat. I could go on but if you consider your particular problem, you will most likely figure a way to use these items to solve the problem. Good luck.

If your cat starts doing it's business on the rug etc, you can remove the odor with XO Concentrate, or Club Soda. Be sure you test for staining first before using either of these. Stopping the cat from doing this is another thing. Usually there is something that has changed in the cat's life causing this to happen. Once you find out what that is and restore things to they way they were, the problem goes away.

I've found a company that really makes a dog and cat repellant that WORKS!! Liquid Fence has a product "Dog & Cat Repellant" that really works great. You can purchase it in all the stores I talk about on my radio program in addition to all True Value, ACE, Hardware Hank and Trader Horn Stores. In the event they don't have the product, just tell them to contact Liquid Fence to get some."

stacey said...

love the toothbrush holders-who makes them so i can find in US?

brillant about the over the door hanger!

Lady Why said...

I've heard that menthol smell repels cats so you could use a Vicks Vapor Rub or something like that and see if it works.

*Disclaimer... I haven't actually tried this myself so I'm not sure it really works and I have no idea what menthol may or may not do to plants! Something to investigate before you try it.

Lizzie said...

Stacey -

The packet I got was just a generic 'made in China' type of thing - no specific brand. I bought them in the supermarket. But I can't imagine why you couldn't find something similar in the States. A store like Bed, Bath and Beyond? Um...

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful...


Megan said...

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog and link to your charts. They look great! I like having two separate ones. My question with the chore chart - how much grace do you give them? If they don't get a check or don't cooperate with a chore how does that factor into the end of the week payday? I don't imagine Ella will be able to go all week without (at least at first) without some form of "encouragement" so I'll need to figue that out. Also, I'm all about the details - so how did you actually make the chart? Did you just use a 11x18 paper to print it onto - yours really looks great and I just get stuck thinking that mine will look like an excel printout and just get thrown away!! My house is most likely not as organized and neat as yours is :)
Anyway, sorry for the long post - BTW, your tips were helpful - I liked the Treasure box idea and the over the door hangers...

texastanya said...

In our old neighborhood cats were a problem for us too. They liked our flower bed. Hubby heard about using cayenne powder, so he ended up sprinkling it throughout our flower bed. It didn't hurt the plants, but kept animals and bugs away.

The Fasting Life said...

Sorry about Bringing Healthy Back site closing down. It was time and technical issues. You can still find us at our personal blogs by clicking on the tabs at the top of the blog.

Megan said...

Thanks for following up. Definitely lots of stuff to think about. My younger daughter is a very good helper, she seems to really like helping and cleaning. But for the 4 yr old every little thing is a battle (depending on her mood of course!) so it seems like I need some sort of consequence if she doesn't help out - maybe something small and somehow connected to the chore???? Lots to think about but I am encouraged to at least get the values one started and going. Thanks again! I'll have to keep checking in to see if you post a printable version of the chart - it really does look nice.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lizzy,

Thank you for 'keeping it real' as it were. i haven't read your blog for quite some time. I trust your study commitments are drawing to a close for the year at long last (all the best for any final assignments and/or exams you may have looming at present).

Hmm. How to rid yourself of the neighbours' cute little kitties who seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to leave their calling-cards in the most inopportune places... You may wish to plant some citranella in the garden or in a pot by the door. This'll keep away the feline menace and help to deter flies an mosquitoes.

Have a fantastic weekend.


Mrs. E.
(Sydney to be exact).

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