Wednesday, November 21, 2007


There's just no nicer title for this post, sorry!

Miss Moo is sick and home from school today. She was all dressed for school and about to have her hair braided when the torrent flew. Miss Moo has very, very long hair. It's usually hanging every which way in the mornings, including over her mouth. Vomit in hair = yuk.

I still had Boofah to get to school though (Hubs had already left for work) so the poor thing had to walk with me, clutching a couple of plastic grocery bags just in case. We got home without incident, thankfully, and got her settled on the couch. I dug out one of the unwrapped-and-as-yet-unlabeled Christmas gifts, a double DVD of Anastasia and Thumbelina, and just put that on for her. It was worth it.

I always freak out a little when my kids get sick, because its not uncommon for us to go months, even years without a trip to the doctor. This morning I was like 'My God, I forgot stuff comes OUT of their mouths occasionally!"

I'm in an interesting position though. Today I'm doing a reading of a rhyming children's story I wrote at the local kindergarten (preschool for the rest of the world?) and there's no-one I can ask to come and look after Miss Moo while I'm gone, so I think she's going to have to come with me. I can't cancel today because I'm on a deadline (this is all wrapped up with a particular assignment that is due). I think it will be okay though - you know how kids sometimes get the vomit out and then are mostly fine right afterward? She's quiet today (thankfully!) and so long as she sits quietly and plays or reads at the kindergarten (no jumping around) I think we'll be okay. This is the same kindergarten she attended last year, so the staff know me and her well and nobody will mind this arrangement.

This is a large kindergarten and I was dreading this reading all week, but the kindergarten director has informed me that I'll only be reading to about 10 kids (*phew!*). The story was one I wrote years ago but never pursued because the rhyming was a bit 'off' (it really does need to be 'spot on' before you even consider submitting it anywhere). I don't think the kids will care much though. Then I have to evaluate myself - how I prepped for the reading, why I chose the place I did, good and bad parts of the experience and so on. With any luck this will all come together quickly and I'll be able to post this assignment (and another about 3/4 of the way through) tomorrow. And then there'll be five, LOL.

Wish me luck!

(Why am I scared of a bunch of four year olds? Seriously, they are some of the harshest critics you'll ever find. You know pretty much instantly whether your story has potential or not once you've test-read it. Auuughh)

P.S. I think Miss Moo will be fine. She's singing the theme song (Donna Someone and Richard Marx) from Anastasia - Wonderful Journey or something. On second thoughts, perhaps this means she's REALLY ill? LOL.

Update: The reading at the kindergarten went well. I only ended up with six kids to read to, which was just fine by me! After I'd read my own story the kids suckered me into reading two others! So I must have done something right. Oh, and Miss Moo was just fine. Played beautifully within eyesight but out of everyone else's way.



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