Saturday, November 3, 2007

What's Up With November?

In some parts of the world, November is supposed to be cold. In Australia, November usually heralds the oncoming summer with a relentless whack-about-the-head kind of temperature increase. While October is pleasantly warm, filled with sweet smelling flower blooms and picnics, November starts to remind us that we actually live in a country where height-of-summer temperatures can often top 42ºC (107.6ºF) and that's not even considering the outback.

In an uncanny twist of irony, November has started off cold. We've had rain every day so far where I am and are expected to get more until at least Monday. Today the forecast is for 19ºC (66.2ºF), probably close to 6-7ºC colder than you'd expect from the ugly stepsister to October's Cinderella.

I've been wandering about the house confused. Do I wear a sweater? Or not? Do I dress the kids in their winter uniforms, or their summer ones? Do I freeze their drink bottles? When do I archive my soup recipes and break out the frittatas and quiches? Why am I not sweating by 9am?

It's more than a thermostatically- driven gal can bear.

Now, I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to look back on my words come the end of November and wonder why I was whingeing about the cold weather, LOL, however there's just something inherently wrong about eating hot soup in November. No matter which day it is.

I'm just sayin' :P



Eileen said...

Hello ;o),
I have just started a blog today. My son has autism and I'm hoping to link to others walking this path. May I link you?

Kay said...

Send me some rain and I'll send you some warmer weather! :-) We are in a severe drought and just got a letter from our water dept that we have to cut our water usage by at least 10%. More people need to be praying for rain!

Lizzie said...

Sharon, you reminded me that I really shouldn't be complaining about the rain when the farmers are crying out for it.

(*cyber slap on wrist*)



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