Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lizzie's Link Love ~ November 13 (ish)

Even though it is already Wednesday evening where I am, I'm going to consider this only a tad late going by US time (which would be something like the wee hours of Wednesday or thereabouts). It's been a long couple of days, LOL.

Lots of good stuff this week:

What Would You Do If... by Camilla Anderson at Growing In Truth. Such a convicting read! And quite a scary thought really...

I came across the site after following a link from I'm An Organizing Junkie's post on her fascination with Organizing magazine. One of those great examples of a Yellow Linkie Brick Road, LOL. If you like lists, this is a fun site to play around with.

Rhonda at Down To Earth wrote about a lovely sense of community Christmas spirit in Preparing For Christmas. What's great about this post is that I've lived in towns just like hers and the sense of community togetherness truly is awe-inspiring.

Lifenut talks about The Dirtiest Word in one of my favourite posts this week. As a stay-at-home mum I'm the sole executor of errands around here and that often requires me to hop on a bus to the shopping centre. And while I walk around, working my way through my list, I've tried not to use and think and act this same dirty word, but its truly hard when you are seeing parts of young girls that should never be seen in public, or when you're trying to tune out the screaming - not just crying, screaming - of a child whose mother is simulteously ignoring the poor thing while absently smoking a cigarette and yelling at her other child (no more than five years old) to 'do something with your sister!' It breaks my heart.

On a happier note, these are just the cutest things in the world. Hat tip to Skip To My Lou. I badly want to make one. Or four.

No Money? No Problem at The Real Food Revolution highlights a really good point - food in the western world is less about actual nutrition than we might think. If we all ate the foods that had optimal nutrition over the empty calories we tend to favour, would such a large portion of the community (myself included!) be overweight? I doubt it.

And now, I'm off to relax with a well-earned cup of coffee with this new hazelnut whitener stuff I bought today. Oh, our fridge appears to be fixed. I was able to do a large grocery trip today! Woohoo!



SkiptomyLou said...

Thanks so much for the link love!

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