Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why I Shouldn't Cook ~ Reason # 2451

ThistleGirl Designs)

I managed to start an oil fire tonight. I was heating oil in a big ol' stockpot ready to fry off the onions for a batch of soup and took a little too long checking on it. We're talking two-foot-high FLAMES people. Mercifully contained in the metal stockpot. I turned off the heat and watched the flames die down enough to wrestle the still smoking (and now ruined) stockpot out into the backyard. It's a wonder the smoke alarm didn't go off.

Big, BIG, gulp of air.

Do not show this post to my husband. I'll never live it down. Oh wait, the kids will definitely rat on me!

P.S. It goes without saying that you should never, ever leave oil heating on the stove without keeping a close eye on it. My bad. Thank God the overhead cupboards either side of the stove didn't catch fire. My initial reaction when I saw the flames was to panic to the point of nearly relieving myself on the spot!



Kelley said...

You need to check your smoke alarms. They should have gone off if there were 2 foot flames, and you should have a fire blanket. I'm not preachin', just sayin'.

Thanks for the comment on my blog today.

mummifiedx5 said...

OMG! This reminded me of when I nearly burnt our kitchen down! I was heating the oil to fry some chips and I had a total baby-brain moment and went to change the baby (my DD7 now). I came back into the kitchen to see flames coming out of the pan (you know the ad "oh my goodness, the chips!")
I almost literally threw the girls outside and went back in to the kitchen to grab the pan and throw it out the back door.
I came back in to find the ceiling in the kitchen and part of the dining room ceiling black from smoke.

The worst part was that DH spent a couple of days sanding back and fixing the damage to the kitchen ceiling and after stopping for the day, he left the drop cloth over the stove because he was going to finish painting the next morning. The cat we had at the time must have jumped onto the stove in the morning and managed to turn on one of the rings of the stove so when I came into the kitchen, the drop cloth was on fire!
That was a very unlucky year for

Lizzie said...

Kelley - I had the same thought re the smoke alarm. And we don't have a fire blanket...something I should look into.

Tina - LOL. I had maybe a tablespoon full of oil in that stockpot tonight. Can't believe it burned as high as it did. In my past domestic life I have also destroyed two plastic colanders because I've used them to drain spaghetti then (as you do) popped the colander onto the pot to rest. Forgot the pot was still hot - melted plastic. DH refuses to buy anything BUT metal kitchen stuff now, LOL.

The only thing left over from tonight's gulp moment is a cloying smell of burned....*something*.


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