Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Every Time A Bell Rings...

Graphics By Irene)

Well, it finally happened. At least one of my three children no longer believes in Santa.

Yes, we 'do' Santa. Without reservation (there's a whole raft of back-story to this point but we'll leave it at that for now). And Boofah has known for several months now about the fallibility of the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, so it really was just a matter of time. I've caught the concerned looks, the 'hang on, that doesn't add up at ALL' furrowed brows and the first flurry of questions. We decided at the outset that we'd let this thing run it's course. We understand that some families don't do the big Santa thing, and we respect that, but we always have, and so when we first had kids we decided that when they were ready, they'd let us know, and we'd spill the beans.

Of course, I'd have to be blessed with a very analytical child, LOL. As soon as I started answering questions with 'What do YOU think?' instead of 'yes' or 'no', he could smell a rat, LOL.

Boofah is 7 ½, but I was kind of hoping for a year or two extra with him. Our eldest, with perfect honesty here, would believe in Santa at age 15, but then with him there are other factors at play. And our youngest is still a couple of months from turning 6, so I would expect her to still believe. But I love Christmas. Every tiny bit of it. I would easily swap three birthdays for one Christmas. The magic, whether you find that magic in Santa or in Jesus (or both?) is undeniable, and I want/wanted to keep that going for as long as I possibly could with my own kids. I don't have strong opinions against the commercialisation of the season - I know we are, on purpose, a whole lot less extravagant than others we know, and we take an extremely practical viewpoint on what constitutes a 'good gift'. So even while we 'do' Santa, we're reserved in how we approach it. We don't buy for buying's sake. The kids get minimal presents, and they're usually something they need. We know others, yes, even some Christians, who are heavily into the commercial hype - we might have the hype, but it's not commercially driven.

Boofah was totally okay with knowing the truth (though at this point he really just needed confirmation from a grown up of something he already knew), and in fact he's rather enamoured with the idea of adding Santa to the list of 'grown up things' he already knows about. He and I, along with Hubs, had a little talk about why Mummy and Daddy 'did' Santa all these years, and how he was such a big boy now that we'd really like his help keeping the secret for Master J and Miss Moo, until they're ready to know themselves. Since we'd already been doing this for the Tooth Fairy/Easter Bunny, this was no big deal.

No doubt, some of you will disagree with the way we've approached the issue of Santa. I'd just like to point out (before the comments start, LOL) that we've always taken great pains to present 'both sides' of the story to all of the kids. But the reason our children believe in Santa is absolutely because we've provided them with the story, and for that I really don't have an apology, only a sincere expression of respect for people who've done it differently to us. And I hope you'll all have the same thoughts toward us! LOL.



Precious_1 said...

We do Santa in our house. I'm a big fan of Christmas and tend to go all out. It wouldn't seem right to me without Santa. Just the same as it wouldn't seem right to me without going to church to start the day's celebration. I'm firmly in the "you can do both with balance" camp. lol

My ex used to have a dig at me for it. Told me I was lying to our daughter. I told him to pull his head out of his behind. I don't see anything wrong with a little fantasy and magic. They grow up all too soon. My DD 10 figured it all out long ago, but DS 8 will be content to belive for a while to come yet.

Lizzie said...

You seem to be pretty much in line with me Precious (sorry, I just have that knobbly creature from Lord of the Rings in my head now, LOL!)

It's so ingrained into my early childhood, you know, leaving carrots and sugar out for the reindeer (yes, even in 100º weather the reindeer need food...), leaving cookies and beer out for Santa (though now, strangely, Santa doesn't mind a bit of brandy...:P), watching Carols By Candelight on Christmas eve (major televised event, run out of Melbourne)...to turn my back on all of that (and I can't see how separating Santa would work either, he and Christmas are peas-and-carrots to me, LOL) would make my heart hurt :)


libby said...

Hi Lizzie,

I can understand how your feeling as my dd8.5 just recently announced there was no santa. We've been waiting for her to work it as she's pretty smart but I was caught off guard the first time she said it and ignored it. Second time around I just asked her not to tell dd6 or her friends. I think she already knew last year.
My dh didn't really want to lie to the kids about "santa" but we realized it was harmless magic that only last a number of years.


Lizzie said...

Libby -

We felt the same. Well, okay, *I* felt the same - Hubs is just naturally less enthused about the whole yuletide adventure, whichever way the cat is swung, LOL. If we've instigated a tradition over the years, then it's Mum that's been at the helm. He realises it's futile to argue with me, LOL.


Precious_1 said...

lol! I'm at the helm of most of our traditions too - hubby just isn't used to having a fuss made of special occasions so doesn't think to do things. He of course pouts now if certain things don't happen lol

but seriously........ lol .

We leave carrots and a bucket of water for the reindeer. We leave cake and beer for santa and we watch carols in the domain on christmas eve (I'm in nsw)

Lizzie said...


Carols in the Domain? *EVERYONE* knows the 'real' carols are Carols By Candlelight with good ol' Ray Martin, LOL. I thought the Domain ones were the weekend before Christmas though...you sure you don't mean C by C?

Hubs...oh gosh, where do I start. This is the man that insists our tree doesn't go up until December 4 because December 3 is his birthday and in years gone past he says he's felt his birthday is glossed over in favour of Christmas, LOL (for the record, it never is :P). My poor daughter was born on December 19 so she'll get it worse...


Precious_1 said...

hmmm oh I dunno! lmbo! I always get confused which ones are which. But yes we watch carols on christmas eve.

I have a friend who was born on christmas day - he hated it!

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