Monday, October 22, 2007

When Modern Technology Bites Back

Graphics By Irene)

Ducking in quickly to ask a question. I'd love to get as many comments as possible on this one.

What kind of limitations do you put on your blog reading/general internet time? I've been tossing up the idea of going on a 'blog fast' over each weekend - no new posts on Saturday or Sunday, leaving the time for family and housework catch-up. I'm also desperately trying to restrict my weekday usage to the evening hours between 8:30 and 10:30 (after the kids are in bed and my work is done for the night). I'm failing miserably on both counts. I keep a little notebook next to the computer where I jot down the things I want to do online (update such and such, post about something else, re-jig the next thing, and so on) but I'm finding it hard to keep to a modest internet use plan and (sad to say) it does reflect somewhat on my deficiencies in other areas. Any suggestions? What do you do?



Kelley said...

I do a little in the morning when I am watching Boo in the shower (long story), when I have my 'lunch break' when I get home from work (2.30pm) before I pick up Boo and then the rest while I am desperately pleading with Boo to go to sleep..... anything up to 5 hours then!

So bits throughout the day. Otherwise I can get lost and be here for ever. I am a bit of a comment junkie and cannot go to a blog without commenting SOMETHING!

It is a sickness....

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog.

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