Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Wonderful World of Lists

Oh gosh, I just had an overwhelming feeling of being at the bottom of a very, very deep hole, commitments wise, LOL.

Time for a BIG. FAT. LIST.

Does anyone else 'do' a Master To-Do List? I've already got a template somewhere on the computer that I'm thinking of putting up in the Printables section for others to use. I'm also thinking of creating another template that lists short, medium and long term goals all on the one page. Sort of a 'one stop shop' for keeping on track. What do you think?

At some point I'm going to set myself a challenge to follow my Routines to a tee for an entire week, specifically the bits about being in bed by 11pm and doing the Evening Routine before the kids go to bed so my evenings aren't spent madly scrambling to get stuff prepped for the next day. And then I can relax and enjoy my crafts or TV. I follow the Routines now at a rate of about 80%, LOL.

D-Day for yet another go at 'eating healthy' and 'getting fit' (no diets here) is Monday 2nd September. And I'll leave it at that because whenever I talk up these attempts and fail, I feel horrible. 'Nuff said.

Another quick dose of kudos goes to Tina of Mummified Times Five for (once again) selflessly sharing large chunks of her free time this past week to help me nut out HTML. It's slowly sinking in Tina. Slowly (LOL).



mummifiedx5 said...

You're welcome, hun :) Like I said before, I'm learning new things too so it's all good!

As for the master to-do list, I have one for everything I need/want to do to our house/yard. I have each room listed, and then evrything single thing, no matter how small, listed. It's quite a long list and will take a LONG time to complete but there are some things already scored out.

One of the things listed is to turn one of the kids' rooms into a that won't get done till the babes are all grown and moved

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