Saturday, August 4, 2007

Lizzie's Basic Weekly Plan

There's a rumor going around Bloggityville that I am super-organised. very untrue, LOL. But having a plan for each day of the week does help to minimise the 'headless chook' feeling, and so, because I want you all to keep your heads, I offer up my Basic Weekly Plan for inspiration. Pick what you like, and ignore the rest. Remember, what works for me, may not work for you.

Those familiar with Flylady (God rest her moderately disturbing sense of order...) will already be up to speed on one of the 'cleaning schedule camps' - the Zone Method. You spend a whole week in any given zone (sometimes made up of a couple of rooms or areas), and last time I checked, she works on having five zones to the average house (more or less). That never really worked for me. I like to have a set plan for Monday, a set plan for Tuesday, and so on. Autopilot Housekeeping for Dummies, if you like!

Lizzie's Basic Weekly Plan

~ Monday ~

Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3

~ Tuesday ~

Laundry Room

~ Wednesday ~

Family Room
Desk Day
Menu Planning

~ Thursday ~

Main Bedroom & Robe
Grocery Shopping

~ Friday ~

Entrance & Hall
Bedroom 4
Errands Day
(library, fruit & veg shop, butcher, post office, etc)

~ Saturday ~

Weekly Yard Blessing (the usual yardwork)
Misc Laundry (school uniforms, work uniforms, towels, sheets, other bedding)
Home Project (1 hour)

~ Sunday ~

Baking Day (I try to aim for a cake or muffins and some cookies, for the kids lunches for the week ahead)
Set Aside Returnables (donations, library books, borrowed items)
Pamper Day (random pottering about the house, reading the paper etc)

As you can see, most of the nitty-gritty housework stuff is deliberately scheduled for weekdays, when the kids are in school. On the weekends, all bets are usually off!

Saturday is a big washing day but if we start it early it isn't too bad, and its during the rebooting of all those loads that we pick a project we need to work on around the house (cleaning out tupperware cupboard, reorganising pantry, putting photos into albums and so on) and Hubs starts on the yard, with me (and the kids) helping as time permits.

Sundays are very loose, just the way we like them :) We sleep later, read the paper, and Mama relaxes until the oven goes on for baking in the afternoon.

I have a section in my Home Management Binder (update coming soon) for Focus Cleaning, and it is from those lists that I work on the applicable room depending on the day. I have a two-hour window allocated toward housework a day which I've worked out is plenty if I don't dawdle or get distracted :P Because it will only be a week before that particular room pops up again in my rotation, it never gets filthy enough to require a mammoth cleaning session.



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