Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's Play Tag

My new BOFF (best online friend forever :P) Tina tagged me for a meme about organizing.

1. What is your most difficult organizing challenge?

Two areas of our home at the moment - no, scratch that, three. Our fourth bedroom is earmarked for Boofah's bedroom as soon as we can clear the clutter and boxed up stuff out. He's shared a room with his sister since she was old enough for a big bed. Here's an example of what that room is like at the moment: You know that scene in Entrapment (Catherine Zeta-Jones and Sean Connery) where she does that gymnastics hoopla over the laser-beams? That's what I'm like every time we need to enter the spare room. Minus her body of course!

The other two areas are the main bedroom (unfortunately, not as peaceful as it could be) and Boofah and Miss Moo's current room. Auughh.

2. Who inspires you?

Anyone who gets their first load of laundry going before breakfast. I bow down to thee.

3. How did you start organizing?

Gosh, it just sort of happens at some point. You get sick of the clutter that three (or more) children produce!

4. What do you love about organizing?

That feeling of accomplishment when a job is done. I look at some people's homes with all the knick-knacks and even when they're neat and tidy, they look messy to me somehow. So my style is more minimal. 'Country minimal' if you like.

5. What is your guilty pleasure?

Spending time on the 'net. Sad, but true. And, I like to go to the cinema all by myself and watch whatever chick flick is currently showing. But in terms of organizing, I guess I am guilty of buying too many containers or systems in which to put the stuff I've just organized, LOL.

Please steal this meme for your own blog!



Gail said...

Hi Lizzie, I'm a very new blogger who came to your site via Tina's, whom I've cyber known through LITs for a while. Anyway, love the look of your blog and looking forward to seeing the autism links as well as other coming soon spots.
Cheers Gail

Lizzie said...

Nice to meet you Gail!

On the old blog I only had the one link up (to an essay called Don't Mourn For Us by Jim Sinclair) but I also had up an original essay I wrote about our own diagnosis story. Over time (once everything else is up, LOL - that's gonna take a while!) I'll be adding more sites and articles I find.

You know, now that everything looks purdy and all, LOL.


mummifiedx5 said...

You know, I have never been to the movies by myself! Will have to go just once to say that I HAVE been myself...LOL

Lizzie said...

I love the cinema! But the kinds of movies I like aren't necessarily in line with what DH likes, so to get around that I started going alone to daytime screenings. Tuesdays are cheap, relatively speaking :) I grab some snacks from the supermarket beforehand (not ashamed to admit that!) and buy a drink when I get there, and just kick back and go away to Fantasy Land for a while. You know, where every underdog gets the girl, LOL.


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