Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Just Call Me Rocker

This is not normally something I'd admit to, but about once, oh, every thousand years or so, I return to a part of my youth I've long since covered up with housework, meal planning and wiping mucous-y noses.

Back in the day, I had an Atari 2600. I remember my siblings being insanely jealous because officially it was given to me as a birthday present. I also remember such games gems as Yars Revenge (please, if you remember this game, leave me a comment! Nobody else I've ever come across remembers it!) and a weird pixelated tennis game that the game developers of today probably look back on with a mixture of mirth and bewilderment. It was the modern technology of the eighties! You know, when computer screens were about four inches square?

I married a man who likes his games. Currently we have a PlayStation 2, but 99% of the games that happen across our threshold (most are rented, and these days, even those are only occasionally) bore me to tears. Either that, or I'm not co-ordinated enough to master them. But I prefer the former :P

During the last school holidays, we stayed with relatives, and their eldest son is a gaming nut. It was during this stay that the kids discovered Guitar Hero II and promptly set about saving their pocket money upon our return home. A Guitar Hero II pack with guitar controller and game retails for around $120 here, but amazingly, all three kids were willing to put in $30 each. Given their good attitude, good saving record and willingness to pool their money (usually fiercely guarded!) Hubs and I put in the last $30. Officially, we are no longer a family.

We are a BAND.


At first Miss Butterfingers (aka, me) couldn't make my fingers go where I wanted them to go. The game requires good co-ordination, not a strong point with me. But then one afternoon, when my chores were done and the kids were still in school, I had some time to spare, and sat down with Hubs for a bit of a spin on the gee-tar. And I actually managed to hit a few notes. Before I knew it I was leapin' round the loungeroom, looking like an absolute goose, but strangely having a large dose of fun.

I rocked.

Okay, so I'm still set on 'easy', but tonight I managed to complete a whole song (Foo Fighters' "Monkey Wrench" for those of you playing at home) without a single mistake. Not one.

There may have been a teeny tear of pride slip down my cheek.

Either that, or a tear of frustration over spending two hours and sixty-two takes to do it.



mummifiedx5 said...

My sister and her DH have this game and when my babes stay there, they love playing it :) I'm don't play games although my girls are getting a PS2 from their nan and pop this year for Christmas and they're getting sing star so I MAY have a little go...LOL

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