Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Know That Accomplished Feeling You Get When You Actually Complete Something?

Ooooh, I'm so excited.

The hard part of cleaning out the spare/gym/junk room is done. The clutter has been removed, the old home gym dismantled (that alone took me three years of negotiation) and our bunk beds - of which Boof occupied the top bunk when he and Moo shared - have been taken apart and reassembled separately in appropriate rooms. I still have to de-bug the room (over three years of being a junk room made it prone to spiders), store some items in the built in robe, make the bed and move all Boof's gear in but it should be finished by tonight, ready to greet him when he arrives home tomorrow (with Moo and J) from a week at his grandparents'.

I wish I had a photo of what it was like a few months ago...I've been beginning (and then stopping) this little declutter project for a good two years now, each time getting ever so slightly closer - a bag for the donation pile here, a few old items in the trash there. You know that scene in Entrapment where Catherine Zeta Jones does that contortionist stuff through the laser beams? That's what it was like getting from one end of the room to the visible carpet! Before I started yesterday it was the best it had ever been but there were still many, many things on the floor and of course, The Behemoth (home gym) took up the rest of the space. The room has a horribly ugly wall frieze with the logo and name of one of my city's football teams (Australian Rules football that is) but Boof begged to keep it, so there it stays. Decluttering this room was very much my 'elephant' and it proves that just about anything can be eaten if taken one bite at a time.

It is so weird to think I'm going to be able to make a bed normally again. I hate making bunks with a passion.

Not much time to post too much else at the moment - just taking a break then popping off to the supermarket to pick up a few things before Talented Hubby goes to work. The sweet man isn't feeling well today but still stopped to take the gym apart and help me move the top bunk in.

Me? I've got an evening filled with good music and rearranging/organizing to do - amazingly, I'm looking forward to it.


River said...

Finally made it here to your new site! Looks good from where I'm sitting.

Lizzie said...

Not too many 'pretties' up yet...when I get over the hurdle of moving I'll make it look nice, put up a proper header etc :)

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