Thursday, January 8, 2009

Miss Moo, Big Girl Riding

The camera I received for my birthday in October takes video as well and, as we’ve never had a video camera before, I will admit that I have become a little snap-happy with the awesomeness of that particular feature. But it was bothering me that I couldn’t post my little snippets of daily life because the file sizes were ginormous. I spend a large part of yesterday downloading complicated (and therefore, completely useless for this non-techie type) programs designed to compress video files and package them neatly in a ready-for-web format.

Frustrated, I finally went in search of my Panasonic Lumix TZ11 (TZ4 outside of Australia) manual. Because everybody knows you can’t officially read the manual until after you’ve tried everything else, right? And then, right at the bottom of the box, I spy a disc. It’s a software bundle. It includes a media whatsit designed to help you create slideshows with music. I am bored so I install it, then play around a little.

Wouldn’t you know it, the program is simple enough for even me to understand AND it compresses the files to around ten percent of their original size! Woot. I therefore give you my first home video attempt:

Moo learns to ride a bike! from Lizzie's Home on Vimeo.

She can’t be seven already. She must be three still. No, really. Sigh.


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