Friday, January 9, 2009

I Might Just Be The Last Person Alive To See This Movie

Several weeks before Christmas, Master J was gifted High School Musical 2 on DVD at a special needs kids Christmas party. As we had not seen the first one - shameful, I know - we were waiting until we could rent it before watching J’s new movie.

As predicted, the boys started to go cross-eyed about three-quarters of the way in but my very ‘girly-girl’ Miss Moo stared wide-eyed at the screen the entire time. I do believe we have a convert, folks!

And then - good grief - we had to sit through the DVD’s special features, including the dance moves. That’s when J jumped back into the fray. Boof, turned off by the obvious romantic interest between the two main stars, and who had began rolling his eyes since about sixteen minutes in, declined to join in the impromptu show.

For that I am grateful because, um - Master J cannot dance and two children attempting to do so would have just multiplied the horror, LOL.

It’s a fun kind of movie but THOSE SONGS ARE STUCK IN MY HEAD. I am hoping some of you seasoned HSMers will have tips on how to get rid of the endless loop of “Bop To The Top” now playing inside my brain. At eleven.

Disney, you slay me with your saccharin-sweetness. Sigh.


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