Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heat Wave Rave 2009 ~ Update

I know. You're all sick to death of constant updates about the heat in a city most of you have probably never been to, LOL. Especially since the majority of my readers are from the US, which is shivering through winter at the moment. Meh. It's a bit hard to think of anything else at the moment.

Yesterday's 45.7ºC was the third hottest day on record here in my city and the hottest in over 70 years. Last night we had our hottest overnight minimum temp - ever - officially at 33.9ºC, but most of the night it hovered around 35ºC.

You may go back to your regularly scheduled programs now.

I promise this incessant whingeing won't last. I will be back to my normal self as soon as the guage drops below thirty. Thankyou and good night.


Sue said...

Oh my! 45.7 degrees?!!!!! I would be whining majorly. I am so sorry for you. I am whimpering if it gets up to 40 here -- of course that comes with 130% humidity where I live!

Thia said...

I have every appreciation for your whining. I don't like extremes of hot or cold either. Really though, I should learn to do the conversion myself...the whole metric thing. I am too busy watching the snow fall.

Lizzie said...

Sue - I kid you not. I've never seen (or felt) anything like it. I remember back in my school days, in run down old transportable classrooms with no airconditioning, but I have never experienced such extremes before. I *should* be grateful in a way - we have airconditioning and so long as we don't go outside, we're fine. Plus, dear, dear Talented Hubby did both morning and afternoon school runs today which meant I didn't have to do battle with 'the sweats'. AND today's projected 44ºC peaked at 'only' 43ºC, instead of going one or two degrees over like the last couple of days. Don't get me wrong, it still feels like the gates of Hades, LOL, but it is, mercifully, a dry heat :P

Thia - all you need to know is that 38ºC marks 100ºF, LOL. And that Ideal Lizzie Weather is around 25ºC (77ºF) :P Even in winter, a 'cold' day for us is 11-12ºC or 52-53ºF. If we get into single digits (say around 48ºF or below), people start freaking out, LOL.

Where we are, in Adelaide, is along the southern coast of Australia, at about the '2 o'clock' position of the bit that looks like a shark took a big bite out (see this post for a pic: We have a small mountain range (like miniscule) quite close to us but snow is exceedingly rare and NEVER like what we're currently seeing pics of in the States - more like three handfuls of dirty ice. And people still talk about it being a 'once in a century miracle' at that, LOL. Australia does have relatively good ski fields but they're all in New South Wales or Victoria. None of my kids have ever seen snow and I can only remember one time, as a very young child, that I experienced it myself.

River said...

So, sometime around April/May you'll be your usual cheery self again? Heh, just kidding, it's bound to be cooler before then.

Lizzie said...

River, don't laugh. You're closer to the point than you realise! LOL.

The other sucky part of this is that unlike last March's heatwave, which happened, obviously, right on the cusp of the season change, this one is cropping up earlier, so there's no guarantee the hot weather will end hereafter. February is known to be fairly horrible at times too :(

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