Saturday, February 9, 2008

Souper Dooper?

We're in an uncharacteristic-for-February cool stretch where I am at the moment, and for the last couple of days I've had to crack open the canned soups for some hot lunches. When you're used to battling 40ºC (100ºF plus) summer days the last thing you feel like is hot soup, but with the lower temperatures, even though they might not last much longer (it is still summer here, even if this week feels like mid-late Autumn), I'm thinking ahead to expanding my list of 'fallback soups'.

I'm after a hearty vegetable soup recipe - something with lots of chunks and a really flavoursome broth - can anyone help me out?



Jthemilker said...

Make a large beef roast for dinner and use the drippings to make a lot of gravy. Use the left over roast AND gravy to make beef vegetable soup the next day... chop the meat well and add some broth to the gravy (or water w/ boullion) you can use fresh veggies or just a bag of frozen mixed veggies. If you have a marrow bone to throw in that is wonderful, if not no worries. Add barley if you like... YUM-O!

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