Monday, February 18, 2008

Grocery Sales ~ I Live For Them

Grocery shopping in Lizzie's Home generally happens on Mondays. This week, I'll be shopping on Tuesday. I'm still dragging my feet after our week away :P

Let's take a look at my local grocery catalogues for this week (for my overseas readers, this will give you an idea of Aussie prices - don't fall over in shock, okay?) . I only note the sale prices of items I actually buy. Cans of tuna will never, ever make it into my cart, no matter how good the discount! Blech!

Main Supermarket

  • Quilton 3-ply toilet paper, 24pk, $11.99/50¢ per roll (save $2.50 - usually $14.49/60¢ per roll)
  • Lipton Black Teabags, 100pk, 2 for $5.00/2.5¢ per teabag (save $2.38 - 2 x 100pk usually $7.38/3.7¢ per teabag - though I usually wait for the 100pk to be $3 or under, making it about 3¢ per bag, so I'm saving money either way)
  • Green's Traditional cake mixes, $1.75 ea (save 50¢ - each mix gives twelve slices of cake or twelve cupcakes so approx 14.5¢ per serve on sale/18¾¢ per serve reg price) I don't buy these often but they're a great, cheap standby for unexpected guests or the kids' lunchboxes.
  • San Remo pasta, 500g (1.1 lbs), $1.89 (save 30¢) I have plenty of pasta already but it stores so beautifully and is so cheap, I'll probably pick up another couple of packages.
  • Yoplait yoghurt, 1kg (2.2 lbs), $3.98 (save 70¢)
  • Middle bacon, $8.78 per kg (2.2 lbs - save $4.97 kg)
  • Hungarian salami, $15.95 per kg (save $6.03 kg) Hubs likes to have this in his sandwiches so I pick up a little whenever it goes on special.
  • Semi-dried tomatoes, $17.98 per kg (save $3.00 kg) A bit pricey, but I love them. And I only use a teensy amount at a time.
  • 'Premium' beef mince (ground beef), $8.95 per kg (save $3.04 kg). This is the stuff that's one step down from super-lean. We go through a lot of mince because it's so economical and kid-friendly. I'll probably buy 2 or more kilograms this week and stick the extra in the freezer.
  • Beef round steak, $10.96 per kg (save $6.03 kg) About 600g or so (something like 1.3 lbs?), along with some potatoes, carrots and other fixin's, makes a good beef stew.
  • Seedless white grapes, $3.74 per kg. Being that fruit and vegetable prices change so rapidly, this particular store almost never includes a 'save' amount in the catalogue. But this is a reasonable price. The kids like these in their lunchboxes.
  • Celery, $1.83 per bunch.

Other Stores

  • Tomatoes, $1.99 per kg (2.2 lbs, save $2.00 - this store does have a base price to compare it to)
  • Cottee's cordial, 2 litre/half gallon, $2.59 (this store isn't showing a 'save' either - very frustrating for those not up to speed on their Price Books, auugh - but it usually goes for over $4). We use this sparingly and always, always, far more diluted than the instructions suggest.
  • Carrots, 1kg (1.1 lb) bag, 99¢ - usually around $1.30
  • Loose white potatoes, $1.99 per kg - usual price varies but a medium to large prepacked bag can get up over $5
  • Brown onions, 1 kg (1.1 lb) bag, $1.99 - fair price
  • Trix dishwashing liquid, 1 ltr (half-gallon), $1.99 - save about 70¢
  • Lynx body spray, 100g/3½ oz, $4.79 (save about $1.80)
  • Broccoli, per kg (1.1 lb), $2.89

Looks like beef stew, quiche (with the purchase of some eggs) and spaghetti (with the purchase of some pasta sauce) is in our future :)

What else could be made from the above food items?



Sam K said...

Delurking to say - gotta love it when the salami goes on sale. I always buy extra and freeze in portions for home-made pizzas. Have you ever tried Porcupine Casserole? It mainly uses mince, rice and tinned tomatoes - easy peasy and very yummy!

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