Sunday, February 24, 2008

Seven Years? Really?

Seven years ago today, I walked down the aisle to meet my soon-to-be husband, with this song playing in the background:

Of course, what sticks most in my mind is the fact that the CD stopped playing right in the middle of what was meant to be a graceful hovering along the red carpet. It had to be restarted, meaning the rest of the walk was all out of sync and they had to cut the song halfway through when I finally made it to the altar!

And also, after many attempts and burnt fingers, we managed to light our 'hope candle', only to have it blow out mid-ceremony. A rather auspicious start!

Seven years is a decent stretch, huh? We've been through a complete shift in career, raising three children, several years worth of autism diagnosis, advocacy and day-to-day struggles, buying our first home, and losing two remaining grandparents and one parent. We almost didn't have a wedding - we'd originally tried to elope to Bali but hit there during the wet season and spent most of what was meant to be our 'honeymoon' up to our kneecaps in mud! And one year later, after we'd rescheduled, my father had a heart attack two weeks before the big day but amazingly was in adequate health to attend. So we've been pretty lucky :)

To the man who gave me my dream - happy anniversary hon :) ♥



Thia said...

Our unity candle didn't want to light. I think we forgot to prelight it before the ceremony. So there we are, leaning over holding the two smaller candles. And holding. And holding. And holding...until finally, the pillar wick caught. I figured if nothing else, it was a great photo op.

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