Friday, February 15, 2008

Popping In...

I did mean to set auto-posts for while we were away. Honest. I just never looked at the reminder note I stuck to the laptop lid. Sorry!

We're away this week (until Sunday night our time, anyway) for Hubs' photography exhibition. On Wednesday we were out of the door and driving by 7:30 am (unheard of). Five hours later (auugh) we arrived, exhausted, at a relative's house in the town where the exhibition is being held. Which is TONIGHT. Hubs is completely frantic! He and his co-exhibitor spent Wednesday night and all day Thursday matting and framing 80+ full size prints. Last night we secured a key to the gallery and began setting up - my job was moral support, of course, and putting sticky-hook things on the backs of each image so they'll hang on the walls. When we left at 12:30 am last night (this morning?) it looked AWESOME, and that was with half of the prints still leaning against the wall. Things have really come together and I'm completely and utterly proud of Hubs. It has been a lot of work (and a lot of expense, some of which we're hoping to recoup in the next few weeks!) but I'm thrilled for him. And as I said to him last night, I know that when I have to bind 3000+ self-published novels myself, he'll be right there next to me.

I think that scared him, LOL.

We're using this exhibition to guage response to his work. It's really the first time he's publicly displayed his images and, as is his nature, he's worried that he's not good enough. Piffle! From there, we will probably do more exhibitions and (hopefully) move into private sales over the internet and at various arts fairs and markets in our area, as our schedules allow. His photographic greeting cards, which were finally delivered last week after a month's delay (grrr...but phew!), look great, so I'm hoping to go 'live' with sales of those here on Lizzie's Home in the next month or so. Nothing too major, just a little box in the sidebar. He'll be famous one day. There's your heads up folks!

The guys are down at the gallery right now finishing the setting up. There are a few other things to do today, then the opening is scheduled for 6:30 tonight. So far the numbers are sitting around 100, which includes people from the local council down here and we know of at least two arts governing bodies who are going to be going through the gallery at some point during the next six weeks. We've been SO fortunate because our co-exhibitor is a local and has contacts absolutely everywhere within the local government. We simply could not have brought something like this together without his knowledge and help.

So. Things are moving along. I hope to post a few pictures early next week, after we get home - show all you nice folk how the gallery looks, LOL.

Right now, I have to go panic. Purely out of sympathy for my husband, of course.



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