First of all - and somewhat of a side point - hello? Wordpress theme designers? You all need to get some more of your free stuff out there, because I had the worst time trying to find something that wasn't utilitarian or masculine. Think about making your old personal themes available for public use when you design new digs for your own blog. That would help enormously. Thankyou and good night.
And now back to the broadcast.
I suspect the move will be significantly easier on the ol' nerves with a greatly-streamlined version of Lizzie's Home so I'm examining closely all my neatly segmented sections and deciding what stays, and what gets put out on the curb on trash day.
Then I got to thinking about streamlining my personal experiences in Bloggityville in general. As of 1:37pm today, I have 170 blogs in my feed reader. Now, I love me some Google Reader just like the next gal. It's so easy to trawl the net, stumbling across this blog or anything vaguely sporting an RSS, and whack it in the ol' Reader to peruse later. It's also madly convenient if you happen to be tapping away on someone else's computer. But having a 'personal investment' in so many blogs is ridiculous. I used to think 100 was too many. Now I'm going to have to do some serious un-subbing to get it back to the level it should be (which is way lower than 100, in case you were wondering). I just can't keep up. I'm noticing I don't get past the 'list view' (title plus the first line) window on 90% of the blogs I'm subscribed to. That's one big fat clue that I'm subbed to too many right there.
Then I started thinking about my time on the computer as a whole (I know, full of insight today, aren't I?) Fact is, I'm spending far too much time online and it shows. I need to right that balance and establish some clear guidelines for myself. At the moment, it's a bit like this:
How many blogs do you subscribe to? What are your criteria for subbing and un-subbing? One new one in means an old one has to go? I wait with anticipation.
I too, use google reader. I think I have ballpark, 70 subs. I just dropped a few b/c I realized that I was not interested in the content, they were very specific blogs and at one point I was very interested in that subject, but that season passed for me. So, unsub time. Criteria for subbing is that the writer must grab me in ten posts or through their profile. I know that "grabbing me" part is vague, but they may make me laugh, give me good tips for something, speak to my heart, we may have a lot in common...what makes you click with people irl? If I stumble across one post that I want to go back to, I find it a lot better to cut/paste into a word doc with the page location to go back to instead of putting them into my reader to get lost. Does any of this make sense?
Of course, the more subs you have, the longer it takes to catch up, but FOR ME, I find it doesn't matter how many I have, bottom line, it's a lack of self discipline to get off the computer and go do what needs doing!
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