Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Do I Scratch The Craft Itch?

I have the crafty bug. I think it's incurable, sigh. And I have got an itch so bad to go out tomorrow and buy a new sewing machine, totally exacerbated by this absolutely adorable blog I found today via a link on Twitter. See people? Twitter can be used for good, not evil!

Don't you just want to eat those little monsters right off your computer screen? Sigh.

And I'm frustrated tonight because the world economy (and therefore our household economy) is down the toilet and this means Very Careful Consideration Of All Discretionary Spending and gosh, isn't that depressing? I'm not a spendthrift but having just a wee bit extra right now to finally cross some things off our 'Buy This Before The House Falls Down' list would be lovely. I thought we'd be knocking a seriously large hole in that list over the next couple of weeks but now it seems likely that large hole will be more like a small dent. And I shouldn't be frustrated at that because hello? Google Reader just directed me here and now I'm feeling guilty for wanting all manner of things when there are so many who have nothing. Double sigh.

I spent the day trying not to fall asleep after finally dozing off at 3am earlier this morning. I rose again at 7:30 so you can see it's been an uphill battle, fueled by M&Ms, Pringles and noodle cups. I wanted to drag out Old Faithful and have a go at something creative but my brain wasn't kicking into gear. Not surprising considering the whole 'less than five hours sleep' thing. Tomorrow maybe.

I should be napping every single day this week for three hours at a pop - school lets out Thurday afternoon. Then it's two weeks of cabin fever. Redrum....Redrum....the less said on that the better. You'll be able to tell when I'm getting near the end of my rope when my posts start barking, LOL.

My delightful mother-in-law is coming for a quick overnighter tomorrow - yay! She's a hard core quilter so I will pick her brains about sewing machines. The dealer (two weeks ago) said the Mother's Day brochures will be out mid to late April and apparently sewing machines sell in May much the same way as hotdogs sell in the USA in July, so holding off a little might actually be rather beneficial.

Definitely does NOT help with the craft itch though.


Sarah said...

thankyou SO much, NOW I WANT PRINGLES. ive managed to avoid chocolate for the most part in my must-lose-the-baby-weight-this-time-round panic, but salty things? they are my great weakness.

Lizzie (admin) said...

*Maniacal laugh*

My work is done!

River said...

Damn, forgot what I was going to say. Be back later.

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