Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Capsicum Saga

* Before I launch into this story, it might be helpful to remind folks from the US that down here, we call them 'capsicums' and not 'peppers', LOL.

So yesterday my mother-in-law came for a quick overnight visit. The kids absolutely adore their Nana and an impromptu mid-week overnighter just ticked them pink. A few days before Nana arrived I'd sat down and run up a three week menu based on Talented Hubby's work schedule and really wanted to keep as closely to that as possible, so instead of defaulting to takeaway, I looked up what was on the planned menu for Wednesday - Chicken Kebabs (satay sticks and whatnot) and Fried Rice.

Now, it just so happened that I hadn't been able to make it to the supermarket to pick up a few missing ingredients and as the day wore on, as is usually the case, TH called me to see what I was up to. We chat like this perhaps once or sometimes twice every shift that he works - it helps us touch base when oftentimes shiftwork can mean we're like two ships passing in the night. He called toward the end of his shift on Wednesay and I mentioned I still needed to swing by the supermarket as soon as he arrived home (thus 'tag-teaming' the child-supervisory role because despite being an easy 10 min walk away, why take the kids to the store if you don't need to?) but I was concerned I'd miss his mother's arrival, to which he offered to call in on his way home from work instead. He called again as he was walking through the supermarket doors.

"Text me your shopping list," he said.

To which I thought wistfully back to the time of yore when mobile phones were the size of a brick and how technology has progressed to the point where I can SEND ME SOME ITTY BITTY WORDS VIA THIS HERE'UM TELEPHONICAL DEVICE.

I dutifully texted my list. In full, and unedited, this is what I wrote:

Milk bread red caps green caps 400g ham shallots 1 onion and about fourteen chick kebabs. LOVE YOU.
Now, that seems innocent enough, doesn't it?

Later, as I got out the chopping board and prepared to slice and dice my way through the vegies for the Fried Rice, I suddenly realised I hadn't seen any capsicums when I'd unpacked the groceries earlier. I asked Talented Hubby where he'd put them.

"You didn't ask me to get capsicums! I got everything on your list and no-where did you say 'capsicums'!"

"I did so! I can drag up the text I sent you to prove that I did!"

And then it dawned on us.

We often buy a combination of regular (full fat) and 'lite' (about half the fat of regular) milk. Talented Hubby had very legitimately brought home these:

Green 'caps' for lite, red 'caps' for regular! Forgetting for a moment the word 'bread' sandwiched (bread! sandwich! *guffaw*) in between 'milk' and 'red caps', he had naturally assumed I was asking him to bring home both types of milk!

*Smacks forehead*

And yes, in case you're wondering, the resulting very-beige-coloured Fried Rice was still delicious, LOL, but now I can't pour milk into my cup of tea without thinking of capsicums!


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