Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Good evening ladies. And men too, if you’re reading. Which I highly doubt, but you never know.

Random happenings in Lizzie’s Home this week. No, not here. The actual home. Where I sleep and stuff.

  1. We had pizza for dinner tonight using a new quick dough recipe - it turned out really well and didn’t need to be started two hours before we wanted to eat either. I made a double mixture and experimented with the other half of the dough, making cinnamon/sugar sprinkled pretzels. Amazingly, these also turned out well. Two for two so far.
  2. I have had to put a self-imposed ban on any blog post discussing Lost. Folks in the US are maybe only a week ahead of us (when it first started, it was more like months) but there are at least two well known bloggers who do regular weekly Lost posts and it’s so alluring to know what’s coming up. Not that it really explains everything, of course, but when you read about Kate calling Aaron her son the week before it actually screens, it kind of makes Lost Night kind of ho-hum.
  3. I bought a new handbag (purse). Just a little one, on sale for $10. I haven’t had a new bag in almost three years. And I only ever have one at a time, so I was due for a change. We’re having a ‘careful’ month in March, financially-speaking, but I couldn’t pass this deal up.
  4. Hubs’ roster is such that every three weeks I get a week-long stretch of days where the kids are in school for six hours and Hubs is working. Meaning I’m home. Alone. I crank up the stereo and bop my way throughout the house, picking up all the stuff that multiplies when I’m not looking. This week is one of those weeks. It’s bliss.
  5. We’re going to a football game on Saturday night. This is not American football. This is Aussie Rules Footy - probably what you’d consider our national sport, alongside cricket. Would you believe in all my years on this planet I’d never been to an actual AFL (Australian Football League) game until two weeks ago? We went with the inlaws and this week when my FIL rang to ask if we wanted to go again, we jumped on board. I didn’t think I’d be as into it as I eventually got. It helped that ‘our’ team, the Adelaide Crows, won. They’re also in this weekend’s match - the final of the pre-season games. The season proper begins later this month. At any rate, the kids - Master J in particular, who is heavily into watching sport of all types at the moment - were completely beside themselves with pure and unadulterated joy at the first game and nearly fell off their chairs when we told them about the second game on Saturday. It’ll be a late night though - the game doesn’t start until 7pm and generally lasts close to 3 hours (including breaks) so by the time we get home it will be closer to 11pm. Lucky kids.
  6. I’m really hoping to get stuck into patching up the blog tomorrow and part of Friday - with the Ultimate Blog Party starting on the 7th (Friday) I want to have much of what I had up before, redone.

And that’s it for now. I’m seriously considering a big ‘real life’ overhaul at the moment - getting rid of clutter, getting on top of my routines again, and - this is the biggie - getting enough sleep. I am not sleeping enough at the moment and my energy is being sucked out of me with each step as I haul my rear end out of bed each morning. Needs fixing, ASAP.

Goodnight Bloggityville…snore.


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