Friday, March 21, 2008

Guess What I Did Today?

Seven Reasons Why Giving Blood Is Awesome:

  1. The staff fall over themselves to be nice to you - it’s almost as if you’re personally giving THEM your blood.
  2. You get to kick back in a groovy recliner chair and watch characters on daytime TV with names like Thorn, Blade and Stephanie.
  3. There’s something freakishly cool about watching a gargantuan needle sticking out of your arm and your very lifeblood drain out.*
  4. Um hello? FREE SNACKS. After the donation we followed the red stripe around to the ‘refreshment area’ which was set up like a little cafe. They even had us make selections from a menu - a menu at a blood donor centre, folks! How great is that? I had orange juice and a ham and cheese sandwich and for some reason it tasted so much better than the ones I make at home.
  5. I got to do this with Talented Hubby. We went to the clinic in the city so we could both attend together (our local centre has reduced clinic hours for blood donations) and it was actually a really nice thing to do as a couple. Hubs says that he will probably stick with the local clinic next time (so no more ’together’ donations) but a day trip into the city sounds rather fantabulous to me - some shopping, a leisurely lunch, a little blood-letting - all in a day’s work!
  6. I didn’t have to lift anything with my ‘needle arm’ all day and I got to scare the kids with my big ‘ouchie’ (bandaid) later. That’s always fun.
  7. It was so easy. And it made us feel good. And I’m totally signing up for the Frequent Donor Club.

If you’ve ever thought about blood donation but are yet to take the plunge, check it out. There are some restrictions (you can’t donate while pregnant or breastfeeding, for starters) but if you are eligible, why not spread the love and donate? There is a constant need for new and reoccuring donors, especially over holiday periods. You never know when you, or a loved one, will need blood :)

American Red Cross - FAQs About Donating Blood
Australian Red Cross Blood Service

* May be over-emphasized for dramatic effect! It’s actually no worse than a flu shot, and a darn more satisfying!


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