Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Easter Feaster...And Blood

I braved a battle zone this morning. I made the annual pilgrimage to the shopping centre to buy Easter eggs.

Ordinarily, we don’t have to buy much for the kids each year. We usually spend the Easter weekend with my inlaws, and, as grandparents are prone to do, they like to spoil the kids - and they end up with plenty of sugar just from that. From us, we do something a little different. We take what we would have spent on chocolate eggs for each of the kids and pool it, spending it on something the whole family can enjoy. We’ve bought board games, days out at the zoo, a Little People playset and things like that. It cuts down on the chocolate overload and the kids have something to show for it once the Easter weekend is over.

Unfortunately, this year we’re not going to be with Nana and Poppa for Easter. So as a special treat, we’ve upped-the-chocolate-ante and bought a little extra. To compensate we won’t be buying a family gift this year, but we’re still coming down off the Christmas high so that’s probably a good thing (*wink*)

Word to the wise - don’t go Easter egg shopping in the last week before Good Friday. Just don’t. I’m claustrophobic just thinking of it. I thought I was being smart not going on the Thursday. I just forgot every single other shopper was thinking the same thing I was.

Mental note: go shopping early next year and then laugh at the poor souls stretched six deep at the checkouts.

Later that afternoon, after I’d returned home, I got a phone call from Boofah and Miss Moo’s school. Somehow I managed to win second prize in the Easter raffle! I’m not going to say no to extra chocolate - I mean, what sane person would? - but I did shake my head at the irony - I could have split the raffle winnings between the kiddos and saved a little money! We now have more chocolate than I’ve ever seen in one place, sitting in our walk in robe and mocking me. I had to break open a packet of caramel eggs to serve as a warning to the other eggs.

In other news, as of tomorrow, Talented Hubby and I are officially blood donors. I’ve had it in the back of my mind for years, but never went any further with it until Hubs mentioned it a couple of weeks ago. I thought it would be a brilliant thing to do together, so we made concurrent appointments for tomorrow.

And really, isn’t the day before Good Friday the coolest time to give blood?


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