Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Windfall

Sometimes, I have to sit back and shake my head at myself.

My mother passed away in May 2006. She died with her financial affairs in all sorts of disarray. She had a will, but she had failed to consolidate all of her superannuation (retirement/401k maybe? I’m not sure what they call it elsewhere) accounts for her last several jobs. Her estate itself was worth virtually nothing in terms of physical assets, but her superannuation, spread out over at least FIVE different funds, amounted to a not-insignificant sum.

My poor sister, executor of her will, had the mammoth task of dealing with each and every one of the claim departments of these companies. She filled out forms until her hands cramped. Some money started to filter through in around September of that year, with each fund dragging their feet in its own special way, until we were fully paid up from each fund sometime in the first couple of months of 2007. If there was ever an argument for consolidating super funds, my Mum would be the poster child. Seriously, if this is you, go and fix it. Don’t leave the red tape to your kids.

Anyhow, the bulk of her estate had long since been paid out, but at around tax time (July) last year, my sister mentioned that we might be getting a little more cash - something connected to the tax implications of the superannuation. We were not hanging out for the money so we left it in my sister’s capable hands. As it turns out, it took much longer than we anticipated.

Fast forward to today. Hubs and I were just talking this morning about our finances and how we’re not making the headway we’d like to. We were saying that even though we live pretty comfortably, there are times when we want to spend a little extra, do a little more, and we feel we can’t because of The Evil Mortgage. Interest rates are rising at a phenomenal rate down here - our rate has jumped more than 2 percent in the 2½ years we’ve been living here. Not good.

And then we get a phone call from my sister today saying we have $700+ coming to us, being transferred into our account as we speak.

Kind of makes you wonder why we worry so much, huh? :)


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