Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lizzie's Link Love ~ March 11

Mornin’ to you all!

I haven’t done Lizzie’s Link Love for, um… (*counts on fingers*) - let’s just say a few weeks. I’ve been saving up my links though, so let’s launch straight into it.

Limes & Lycopene
How have I missed this one? I just discovered it this morning. Written by a Sydney nutritionist and filled with all sorts of great information, this one went immediately into my feed reader and I’ll be reading the archives well into the afternoon I suspect. No schmalcy weight loss/nutrition ‘fluff’ - this is straight down the line, no high-brow, completely realistic information. Finally! I particularly liked Kathryn’s What Actually Is Five Serves? post.

The Dollar Stretcher Community
Most of us are familiar with the Dollar Stretcher website, right? Well did you know they have a forum section? I didn’t! If you love the site and love being a part of frugal forums, this is a great site.

The Story Of Stuff with Annie Leonard
Some of you may have seen this already. It’s a neat little flash presentation on the ‘consumption’ industry, but rather than giving us something as dry as a cracker, it’s actually really well done. The Piglets loved it - and it would be perfect for older schoolkids as well, especially if you have concerns about simplicity and sustainability.

Unasked-For Advice To New Writers About Money
I love this. Think you can make money from your writing? Be prepared to be shocked - those who actually bring in a half-decent salary are rare. In the meantime, you’d better get savvy about your finances (side note: every single time I hear or use the word ’savvy’ I now have a picture of Johnny Depp, ala Capt Jack Sparrow, pop into my head - “We savvy?” - and now you will too, LOL)

And yes, I’m easily amused, LOL.


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