Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Mojo! Where Did It Go-Go?

It came to my attention this morning that I have not posted for eight days. I have not been on holiday or sick, and disaster has not dropped down on our heads. For those faithful readers who have been wondering why (I still have faithful readers, right?) the posts have been non-existent, all I can say is, I just haven’t been feeling it.

No blogging inspiration at all. No cute anecdotes. No pregnancy announcement. No endearing story about Hubs (not that he hasn’t been endearing, of course). No carnivals (meh).

One day a while back I started a folder in my Favourites for such an emergency as this. It’s called Stuff To Blog About. Catchy eh? Problem is, there’s nothing in it. I’m completely tapped out.

Randomness from the last few days, because I’m just that desperate:
  • Miss Moo went to the school disco last night. It was an ‘It’s Still Easter’ theme. As always, she lost the coins I gave her to purchase a snack at the canteen. She does this Every. Single. Time.
  • I’ve had an average of under 5 hours of sleep each night since last weekend. This morning Hubs graciously let me sleep until 10am. I feel disgusting…too much sleep! Must right this approach ASAP.
  • I really want to try this tutorial out. I need a new bag.
    The weather has turned - woohoo! I know autumn is finally upon us because the big ol tree down the end of our street is beginning to go brown. By the time all the leaves on it are shed - maybe two weeks - I can begin to breathe again. And, you know, contemplate turning on the heat…
  • There’s a monthly car boot (trunk) sale at the kids’ school beginning in May. I think this is a fantastic idea. A regular (and local) way to get rid of some still-useable things and maybe make a little money in the process. It costs $10 per car but I’m hoping I can piggy-back on someone else’s boot and we’ll split the cost. I won’t really have much to get rid of at first.
  • A dear school friend of mine is getting married today. Congratulations Kellie!
  • I need some new music suggestions - fire away.
  • I don’t think I should drink milk in the late evenings. It makes for a decidely over-enthusiastic morning (TMI? LOL)
  • I am desperate - desperate I tell you! - to have a good ol’ fashioned Movie Night. This month, Talented Hubby and I agreed that we would cut back on the non-essentials. Now personally I think Blockbuster is right up there with, you know, the mortgage, but he disagrees. Sigh.
The supermarket (again!) beckons. I am going to have to work on my menu this weekend - I’m back to flying by the seat of my culinary pants, sigh. I will try to summon up something interesting to talk about tomorrow, LOL.


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