Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's A Boy! And A Girl!

I'm - gasp! - having problems - heave! - coming to terms - wheeze! - with the fact that I'm going blogless for the next five or six days, LOL. I was all set to leave the laptop at home because honestly, what good is a laptop without wireless internet? But then Hubs sheepishly wanders up to me this evening and asks me whether I'm taking it.

Turns out he wants to use Baby as his personal hard drive so he can just download the contents of his digital camera's SD card as we work our way through the festivities! It probably doesn't hurt that I also have Photoshop CS2 installed as well - so he can fiddle with the post-production side of things while we're gone.

So whose laptop is it anyway? LOL.

Also, methinks it was possibly a bad, bad idea to let a newly-6 year old Lil' Miss Moo spend her birthday money less than a week before the biggest toy day of the whole year. As well as several gifts from party-goers on Wednesday, she received $20 from her Uncle, $10 from one of her friends and she put in $10 of her saved pocket money to buy these the following day:

Meet Molly and Dillon. We 'adopted' them for half price, which was the reason that tipped me over to a 'yes' in the end. The catalogue said $80 (AUD) full price (we bought at $40) but I found these on ebay for a buy-it-now price of $84 US ($97 AUD) so perhaps we got an even better deal than we thought - they're virtually identical, minus some hair and eye differences. And the best part was, Miss Moo paid for them all by herself :) Boy, was she ever pleased! She's alternating who gets to spend the night in her bed.

Also, if you look really closely, you can see that she is wearing odd socks. This has bothered me no end for days.

And that's a wrap for me folks - see you on the 27th/28th!



Scattered Mom said...

Merry Christmas from the Cookie Jar! Hope it was a lot of fun :)

You may be interested in non-spending challege that is being put out by Andrea at A Peek Inside the Fishbowl...I'm in!

You can find a link there over at the Cookie Jar, if you like.

Lizzie said...

Oh great, thanks Scattered! Yes, I'll be checking that out...


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