Saturday, June 30, 2007

Is It Over Yet? Please Tell Me It's Over...

I cannot even begin to tell you how thrilled I'll be when this blasted course is over. No, scratch that. I actually enjoy the course, when I'm listening to my own advice and sticking to a schedule. Most other times, I'm wondering whatever possessed me to throw this particular egg into my basket on top of all the other eggs in there.

I'm about three and a half years into a four year writing course. It's quite well respected and I've learned an enormous amount, but a four year commitment was always going to take the better part of my creative energies. I haven't done much personal writing (well, not counting the blog anyway, LOL) in the last year. And as for other creative outlets - non existent. I'd love to get into sewing or other craftwork but its just not happening at the moment. I still cling to the notion that I'll be able to pick up that kind of thing after Christmas. I hope...

I have 19 more days to finish 7 assignments. Not ideal, but doable. An assignment every couple of days should give me a few days to spare. This kerfuffle is all as a direct result of my own procrastination. I accept total blame for it all, LOL, but it doesn't make the load any easier!

This next few weeks are going to be INSANE.

* Boofah and Miss Moo are both on a school excursion on Monday.

* Tomorrow through till about mid-week I have to take on a lion's share of a math project I'm helping Boofah and couple of his classmates with - that has to be completely finished by Wednesday.

* Thursday is Boofah's 7th birthday which means he gets 'special' cereal in the morning, as well as his choice for dinner. Because his birthday falls on a weekday it will be a home-cooked meal.. The kids also get the choice of either a small party with friends or a family day out. Boofah chose a family day which we'll have the following week when his cousins (and their father/Hub's brother) come for a visit. We're going bowling, then out for a special lunch (takeout) and back home for Boofah's birthday masterpiece cake (a decorated pirate's treasure chest....because we've always promised the kids they can choose their own 'special' cake. And because I thrive on stress!)

* Once a term I let the kids have a lunch order from the school canteen (cafeterias aren't common down here...its either packed lunches (most often) or lunch orders from the canteen - you put your order in at the beginning of the day and the food gets 'delivered' to the classrooms at lunchtime. Lunch orders remain special in our family because once a term (four times a year) is as often as I am comfortable allowing them to have them, and also because 3 kids x $6 a hit means $18...I know some families who do lunch orders once a week! Ouch!) This will happen on Tuesday or Wednesday.

* I hope to have an additional two assignments done and posted by Thursday.

* Also on Thursday I've got my last stint as Boofah's classroom helper for craft time.

* Friday is the last day of term, with early dismissal. Then we all collapse in a state of utter exhaustion. Only it doesn't really end there for me.

* The following Monday (9th) our visitors arrive for a couple of days and we do the celebrating thing for Boofah's birthday.

* I continue to study furiously.

* And wash clothes furiously.

* And pack furiously.

* We leave for a week to visit relatives in the south of the state around the 13th. I'll have to take my course books with me, sigh.

* I go mad the whole week we're away trying to get the last of the assignments done by the deadline (19th).

* I again collapse in utter exhaustion, but when recovered dance a little jig.

* As soon as we return home, I'm out for the day. I'm going shout myself a movie (maybe even two!) in the cinema (one of my favourite pastimes) and revel in the idea that I have no deadlines....for a week or so.

Oh gosh, I can't wait....



Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Wow, you do have a lot on your plate! But you are to be congratulated for taking this course. I've thought about it, but with homeschooling, can't do it right now. But it's a very wise woman who continues to grow and learn new things throughout her life. Bravo! You can do it!

Liza's Eyeview said...

hi lizzie,
I just discovered your blog through "works for me wed". I will come back for more reading. I can relate to some of your posts I've read...
Also, I would like to ask if I can copy and paste some of your photo (that pile of papaer work and teh one on the side bar that says "My house was clean last week, sorry you missed it" :)


Lizzie said...

Hi Liza -

Good to see you!

I source my pics from a few different places. The pile of paperwork comes from a site called We Blog Cartoons ( They're fun little comics. And most of the art prints (including the one about the housework) come from either or (if you go to and type in 'my house was clean' in the search engine there you'll find it).

I try to give credit with each shot right underneath where it occurs at the top of each post, but must admit a few times lately I've forgotten. I make a point though of always citing the illustrator of the comics. Make sure you check out the individual sites for their 'reposting' policies - We Blog Cartoons freely allow you to put them on your blog (but do double check their conditions on their home page).

The only other restrictions I would put on copying photos from my blog is ones that are obviously of my children or photos listed as Hubs' creations.

Thanks for asking!


Scattered Mom said...

Wow Lizzie, you're a busy girl!

Good luck with the school stuff, I had a taste of that this spring. Ug. I am going back in September too, so that should be interesting.

Hang in there, you've just got a month (or less) to go!!

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