Thursday, June 21, 2007

Moocher Cat Update

MC went to the RSPCA today. Yep, we got her into the cat carrier, minus a few strips of flesh (Hubs'!) .


When we got there, the staff searched in vain with the metal-detector-looking-thingamy for her microchip. They're usually inserted into the back of the neck but they couldn't find it anywhere, despite the fact she was marked via the tattoo thing in her ear. It had probably worked its way out of her when it was first inserted and this whole time - possibly years - her owners had thought they had 'insurance' in case she was ever lost.

Oh, and 'she' is a 'he'. But after three weeks of calling her (see?) 'she', its a hard habit to break, LOL. (By the way, have you ever seen a vet determine the gender of a cat? I hadn't - we've never been cat people - and nearly fell over laughing. They lift their tail and blow between their legs. I guess kitties of the male variety have some noticeable, um...changes in appearance down there when the cold air hits!)

We had no option but to leave her/him at the RSPCA. We knew this at the beginning but I tell you, its a hard thing to do. Hubs and I took a quick walk through the 'adopt a dog' cages and it was horribly sad to know that the vast majority of the dogs won't make it. As for MC, well her/his future looks uncertain. He's a nice cat and obviously tame and great with kids so that might buy him an extra couple of weeks - if he doesn't have the flu that is. Apparently its flu season for cats (winter down here) as well as people and if they are sick, they are put down almost immediately. Sad. (The cats, not the people!)

About a week and a half ago Boofah and I did a very minor (forty or so houses) letterbox-drop with a small flyer saying we'd found a - AHEM! - female black cat. So over the weekend we'll print up some more flyers and work our way in the opposite direction. With any luck, we'll get a hit. The owners, presumably, know their cat is lost but perhaps they haven't yet thought to call the RSPCA (when we first discovered MC at our door, we called the RSPCA and left our details in case someone called in a report) . So the flyer will mention he was taken to the cattery - hopefully they'll get the news in time.



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