Saturday, June 16, 2007

Menu Planning at Lizzie's Home

I'm such an unimaginative cook. If there's a shortcut, I've taken it. Pre-packaged meals and snacks, prepared salads from the deli counter, already-roasted chickens, packaged stocks, those shaker pancake jugs, you name it, I've been there. I've dabbled in various methods of menu planning and meal prep including (but definitely not limited to!), once-a-month-cooking, on-the-fly cooking (deciding at 5pm what we're going to eat), the "If it's Monday, its Spaghetti" approach, cooking from the pantry (ie, keeping a stock of ingredients on hand to whip up whatever you feel like on the day), daily shopping (not intentionally, it just seems like we're at the supermarket daily sometimes, LOL), designing and implementing an eight week menu plan, Lynn Nelson's Busy Cooks Pyramid, and eating freezer meals from past enthusiastic fits of culinary inspiration. I'm tired of cooking, and tired of planning what to cook :P

So at the moment I've reverted back to the "If It's Monday..." plan. The principle is dead easy to implement, perfect for when the necessary brain cells/time to organise any of the other methods is sorely lacking. A lot of people already use this method as their default and I usually use it when I'm coming down off a freezer cooking session or can't fathom devoting the extra time to cooking brand new recipes each night. Our mothers probably used this plan religiously. My mother-in-law was just commenting this week that her own mother cooked the same thing, week in, week out, and always on the same night - and never pasta!

This is not a plan for flexing your cooking muscles. It's just a solid plan that takes the least energy and time in this household!

Lizzie's "If It's Monday, It's Spaghetti" Menu Plan

Monday ~ Pasta (usually beef/tomato based like Spaghetti, Lasagna or Ravioli)
Tuesday ~ Chicken (usually something home-crumbed like Kiev, or Schnitzel)
Wednesday ~ Frugal / Misc / Vegetarian
Thursday ~ Beef
Friday ~ Fridge Night / Leftovers / New Recipe
Saturday ~ Chicken
Sunday ~ Frugal / Misc / Vegetarian (plus takeaway once a month)

I have a master list of meals that I make regularly. I simply pull out that list and plug meals that look good into the appropriate spot in the plan. If I'm feeling mildly enthused I'll include a New Recipe on Friday, if not, then it's Leftovers or an easy meal like toasted sandwiches. Frugal / Misc / Vegetarian include meals such as omelettes, baked potatoes, hotdogs (very occasionally), Fried Rice and so on. Not strictly non-meat but any meal that can be made cheaply. And because Monday's Pasta night is usually of the Spaghetti/Lasagna variety, we end up with two beef and two chicken meals a week, plus the two 'misc' nights, and the last spot available for leftovers. Once a month on Sundays we have family takeaway - a level we're all fairly comfortable with.

When I come across interesting recipes online or in magazines, and think I might actually feel inclined to make them one day, I rip them out/save to Favourites. Then when menu planning day comes around (Wednesdays usually) and I'm looking for something new to make on Friday, I'll just pick something from that folder rather than trolling the internet trying to find 'just the right thing'.



Dea said...

That's a really good idea. At least you always know what's up!

Lizzie said...

LOL, yes. It doesn't mean we serve the SAME meals each day of the week, but it sure helps narrow it down. My master meal list has maybe 10 options for each category, plus then there are previously 'new' recipes that work their way into the rotation. There are mixtures of different cuts of meat, too - so a little easier to take advantage of (for example) ground beef being on sale and so on, or chicken breast fillets, and so on.


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