Monday, June 4, 2007

Cat Burglar

Seems I'm not the only one who's had a visit of the feline variety.

Scattered Mom over at Notes From the Cookie Jar is popular too!

I bought cat food today. Cat food, people.

Rang the local council and nobody has reported a missing black cat. I think there's probably a family out there revelling in their new-found good luck...or at the very least, the absence of their bad luck...



WendyC said...

ok - now would anyone like the rooster who arrived in OUR backyard last week?

Lizzie said...

LOL - I was just thinking, who's gonna claim a BLACK cat? LOL.

P.S. You can keep your rooster. I have one of my own. His name is Master J and he's up at the crack of dawn knocking on our bedroom door. Nuff said!

(Good to see your comment Wendy)


WendyC said...

lol it's not OUR rooster and it's making a dreadful mess of the backyard. Chook poo everywhere. And it was crowing at 5.30 this am!
local council says not theoir problem. RSPCA will only take injured animals. Actually the lady at council suggested someone injure the rooster so the RSPCA would take it. Sigh. It's quite a tame thing, and handsome - but no good in suburbia.

Lizzie said...

Dh actually made it a little 'house' last night because he was worried it was cold! He used an old couch cushion, and old kids' flip out sofa and the KIDS CLIMBING CUBBY THINGY. It promptly moved in and set up home.


Notice going in the kids' school newsletter this week. Hopefully someone will put up their hand. If not, then letterbox drop, but if THAT doesn't work, we may be faced with taking it to the cattery. And I really don't want to think about what happens there.


Scattered Mom said...

I actually found out who owned my feline visitor. I was at school, chatting with a student in one of my classes, and he told me that he's missing his cat.

After he described it and we figured out we live in the same neighborhood, turns out it was his cat that paid me a visit. LOLOL!

Lizzie said...

I want one of those co-incidences!

Printed out some more flyers for letterboxes and will deliver them sometime today. 100+ homes all up (did a bit a couple of days ago). And printed a large version to stick in the window at the local neighborhood supermarket. Hubs thinks I'm going beyond the call of duty on this one - he keeps telling me most people would have just taken it straight to the RSPCA. I told him the reason I'm doing all this is because I would be devastated if we'd lost a pet, someone on our STREET had found it, but couldn't be bothered finding out who it belonged to, and shipped it off to the pound. Karma, baby, LOL. And honestly, it doesn't take much of my time.


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