Monday, March 26, 2007

School Camp? He's Only Six!

Boofah Boy is going on an overnight school camp next Monday. I have to keep reminding myself that while he's just 6 chronologically, he's more like 7 or 8 intellectually and this is no big deal. Kids of that age spend nights away from home all the time, right? Except that Boof is this little imp of a child, easily the smallest kid in his class without the skipping grade thing...and did I mention he's only six years old?

When the camp idea was first floated earlier in the term I took him aside and explained what it would entail. A night away from Mum and Dad, but it wouldn't be like spending the night at Nana and Poppa's. The camp is just far enough away that driving down to pick up a suddenly-apprehensive child would be difficult at best. Of course we would do it in a flash if need be, but we wanted to make sure he understood what it was all about.

He does...and boy, is he excited. They're going to a pioneer farm to milk cows, make butter and ride horses. He's positively beside himself with glee, as little boys of that age are apt to be. And I'll wave goodbye to the bus with a smile on my face but a pang of concern inside because by nature of his abilities, he's already growing up faster than most kids his age and I figured I had another couple of years of the apron strings being tied very securely in a a double knot, LOL. I can feel them being loosened as I speak! And that's wonderful and everything, but...

...did I mention he's only six?



Mrs. Darling said...

HI there. I dont think Ive ever been here before but I saw you link in my meter and realized you have been there before so I decided to check you out. Its nice to meet another mommy. My six year old son would in no way stay away from me. He hardly lets me go to the store without him! Your son is one grown up little man!

Lizzie said...


I'm a fan of your blog :)

Yep, Boofah is quite the little grown up. You can imagine my initial apprehension at a camp at this age, especially as his classmates are a little older than he is, but he's mature enough to cope with it and is looking forward to it, so I'm kind of excited *for* him :) He'll have a wonderful time. And probably come home insisting we buy a cow...

...not likely on a surburban block!


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