Monday, March 26, 2007

The Bane Of My Existence

Is it possible to loathe an inanimate object? If it is, then this one is mine.

My local post box is a few hundred metres outside my two youngest kids' school, and a carpark away from my local supermarket. As I'm at both places nearly every day, the humble post box has become my nemesis, mocking my too-few visits with its blaring, well redness. Well lately it has, at least.

The reason? I'm a procrastinator. I'm not only a procrastinator I'm THE procrastinator. During each school term (which lasts roughly 10 weeks), I am supposed to post 8 assignments - 4 for each of my two subjects. I study externally so there's no face-to-face classroom time and a whole lot less accountability than there needs to be. There are three weeks left of this term and I have posted exactly TWO assignments. Out of the eight I'll need. The last couple aren't overdue yet but will be by the time I get through the first three or four. I've worked out I need to post two assignments a week minimum to have everything in on time by mid-April. Why do I do this to myself?

Because I'm crazy.

There's nothing to be done except to roll up the sleeves and dive right in. Logically, I know this. Practically, I'm ignoring it anyway. As a result, I have before me a workload that is twice what it normally is. And I still have the house and the kids to contend with in the meantime...ouch.

For some reason I'm too distracted at home - whole big expanses of time and 'nothing' to fill them - in theory - now that Miss Moo is at school. So I'm packing up the laptop and heading into the library two days a week until it is done. It's an expensive enterprise - nearly $28 in bus fares over that time not to mention the extreme ease at which money flies out of my purse with access to the adjacent shopping centre and food court... sigh. And then there's the small factor of needing to be dressed to study. But its a sacrifice that needs to be made. Wish me luck...I may never return.

And let this be a lesson to you - DON'T PROCRASTINATE! It will always come back around to bite you on the a** later :P



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