Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Am Cursed - CURSED I Tell You!

Testament to the fact that I am really, truly sick, I was up at 6am this morning.

This is not normal behaviour for me.

I actually managed to catch Talented Hubby before he left for his dayshift, and believe me, that never happens in Not Sick World. My throat was burning from all the coughing and the heat of the day was already becoming apparent and I was extra tired and grumpy so I got up for a drink of water (ouch) and I think TH about fell over in surprise. I took a medicated throat lozenge (which does pretty much zero but makes me feel at least a smidge in control of my own life, a feeling sorely lacking this week) and went back to bed. Last thing I remember is crying 'cause my throat hurt so much.

The kids mercifully let me sleep another couple of hours. Sweet, sweet children. After I'd made breakfast I slunk off to the shower where I washed my sick, limp, 'on the cusp of greasiness' hair and deliberately avoided shaving my legs because hello? My pale, gaunt face alone would scare people - and more specifically, husbands - away and thus why bother expending the energy needed to deal with the stubble on my legs? I was in the shower for a long, long time, slowly turning the tap to full-cold. Um, perhaps not the best thing for someone suffering from a chest cold but I was craving the feeling of being COLD for a change. It didn't last long. I was dry and hot again just walking from the ensuite into the main bedroom, sigh.

I hate being sick. I think it hits me worse because it happens so rarely - I'm usually the one playing nursemaid to the others, notably Talented Hubby, whose immune system was shot after a bout with glandular fever (mono) a few years back and who now catches every sniffle going around. I very occasionally get a couple of days of a runny nose in the middle of winter, but it's not uncommon for me to coast through entire years (or two) with nary an illness. It used to bother me, this 'always looking after other sick people' business, but I no longer think that way. Case in point - this morning, my darling husband gave me a kiss on my feverish forehead and it felt so wonderful I was *this* close to begging him to take a personal day to look after me. He doesn't know it yet, but he'll be brushing my newly-washed hair just as soon as he walks in the door this afternoon, LOL.

I know I'm being a grumpy old sod and I will be posting something more profound than weather reports and in-depth accounts of the expulsion of my green phlegm later today, I promise.

Right after I eat this bowl of icecream for lunch.

Hey, there has to be some perks to being sick, right?


Sarah said...

i can't remember the last time i shaved my legs. its too hard to reach. i probably should wash my hair though.

you dont find throat lollies help? i cant stand the taste so i never use them, but thought they actually helped...

Lizzie said...

I've tried them...then, as you do when you're sick, went trawling the net for information and they made a valid point. Any cough remedy that's labelled 'suppressant' (ie, like the lozenges) is going to squish my body's natural 'phlegm expelling mechanism' (ie, the cough) and thus prolong the illness.

At least that's what WEB MD told me...

River said...

I can't remember the last time I was sick, but I remember when the kids were little, the girls would get bronchitis once a year, and my doctor recommended that supressants only be used at night and only if the girls couldn't sleep for coughing. During the day it's better to let coughing happen.
Hope you get better soon. There's nothing worse than hacking up bits of lung all day, unless it's cracking a rib from the forceful coughing.

Lizzie said...

I could handle the cough if it was actually expelling the phlegm, but its not. It's definitely a cough from the chest (as opposed to one from the throat) and there is obviously *something* there, but it JUST WILL NOT SHIFT. I'm going to try to get into the doctor tomorrow afternoon. Bit worried all he'll be able to do for me is to recommend an over the counter (or prescription, I suppose) LIQUID cough medicine which clearly isn't the best option for me :(

I really, really want to be able to enjoy the cool change forecast for this weekend - after nearly two weeks of scorching heat - and that will be marred if I'm stuck on a couch watching painfully bad TV and straining every muscle in my body trying to cough up this concrete phlegm of mine. It is AMAZING how many muscles you use to cough, especially those really deep and prolonged 'belly coughs' associated with sickness. I am SORE all over.

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