Friday, February 6, 2009

Get Ready For Fabulous, Germ-Tastic Lizzie!

Well, it's official. I have pneumonia. DAGGAMIT!!!

Pneumonia means weeks, not days, of recuperation. Doctor tells me I should be feeling a whole lot better at the end of my 9 day antibiotic cycle (currently on day 2) but I could be coughing in some format for weeks.


Okay, pros and cons:

Cons - exhaustion, housework suffering terribly, bored out of my skull each day because I don't have the energy for even basic household routines and thus are forced to endure daytime television and/or movies, feeling useless because I can see the house falling to pieces around me and I can't pick up the slack, having to walk the kids to and from school each day (still in heatwave, auugh) which utterly wipes whatever energy reserves I may have left in a day, food has lost all pleasure and meaning, I am often out of breath and have trouble carrying on a conversation, we have no food in the house on a day-to-day basis and Hubs has had to do just about daily grocery runs after a full day at work (he just loves this part), I've slept on the couch two nights running so I didn't keep my darling husband awake all night (he's had to get up early for work) and said husband is, uh, having to, um, stand on the sidelines, in a manner of speaking :P Oh, and we've got Valentine's Day and our wedding anniversary before the month is up.

Pros - forced (in a massive, overdone way, meh) to slow down, my awesome Hubs has been wonderful, my kids are giving me backrubs, I've discovered I can actually take 'horse pills' if enveloped in Nutella and washed down with a lime flavoured slushie, I haven't had as many headaches (maybe I'm just not noticing them as much, what with all the muscle spasms and kill-me-now coughing fits?), haven't had a very taxing week, obligations-wise (just the school runs) and it has been very easy to chill out under the airconditioner (which, ironically, probably helped the infection along but in a catch-22 situation, there's no way we'd be coping in the heat without it) And I managed to lose 6 kgs (13lbs) in five days, but in totally the wrong way so it won't last.

One day I will look back on February and laugh.

If I'm still breathing by then.


River said...

Well, at least you know what you've got....

Sounds like hubby and kids are doing a great job of helping you. The antibiotics should kick in soon.

Put your feet up, here's a cup of peppermint tea.

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