Sunday, February 15, 2009

Always Go For The Extended Warranty

Okay - I don't know how long I'll have to post today. My laptop is being more than a tad temperamental. I am LOVING the fact that we opted for the three year extended warranty when we bought it. We are currently 2 ½ years in.

Last night it started going wonky - Internet Explorer wouldn't load sometimes, things would freeze up and so on. I immediately panic and snaffled Talented Hubby's external hard drive and on a rare stretch where it was working, I went nutso copying all my important documents and programs and such. Since then, the internet has worked only sporadically and about half of the other programs on the laptop flat-out refuse to work. I uninstalled a bunch of useless stuff I don't need and TH will weave his techno-magic when he gets home but it looks like we'll have to do a clean strip (whatever that means!) and there'll be casualties.

I hate it when computers break. Sigh.

In other news - and something I'm sure you've been extremely concerned about, LOL - I finished the last of my antibiotics today! Woot! I still have a niggly cough and just don't feel completely well, but I'm a lot better than I was last week and for that I am surpremely grateful. Pneumonia is one heck of a ride, that's for sure.

Charlie the Wonderdog has settled in pretty well - I'm still on poop duty (auugh) and I'm still the one who gets up early to let him out (I'll have to train the kids to do that) but other than that he's a good little dog :) He can't go for a walk around the neighborhood for another week and a half due to his shots but in the meantime we're doing some basic training at home and getting him used to the leash. And, he LOVES to chew on baskets. He has totally destroyed his bed and is making short work of the shoe basket and other baskets I have about the place. He's not so great with the whole 'no' business, but he's learning, LOL.

Oh, one other thing before I go. You might notice a 'Printables' section in the sidebar. At some point I'll be reposting all my older printables here but in the meantime, I've put up three differently-coloured versions of a Daily Docket, inspired by Simple Mom (I love that site, by the way, one of my faves!)

I really hope my laptop decides to co-operate when I go to post this! If it's completely on the way out, we really can't afford to replace it and the maker will probably try to just fix it at first. I'm thinking a Mac sounds FANTASTIC right about now...sell me on the Mac folks!


Nithya said...

Hi Lizzie,
The thing with extended warranty is that you won't use it when you have it and if you don't have it, you're appliance will surely go kaput soon after the one year warranty period. I guess it's Murphy's law.

This is my first time on your blog. Found you through blognosh.Good read.

Lizzie said...

Hiya Nithya!

LOL - I know - I have lost count of the times when our appliances have given up the ghost mere weeks after a warranty expires. Computer equipment in particular, hence we always go for the longest warranty available, usually 3yrs.

I was joking to a family member the other day that in an ideal world, the laptop will die completely (but only AFTER I back up everything, thankyouverymuch, LOL) and the company will deem it appropriate to cut me a cheque instead of trying to fix it or replace it with a similar model. I shall then use that cheque to buy a Mac.

What do you think? Likely scenario? LOLOL...

River said...

I've never had a Mac, so can't offer any advice there at all. I love my Asus laptop. It's just over two years old and still going strong. my daughter had an identical one, we bought them together, but hers went kaput, now she has something completely different that she ordered online. A beautiful machine with way more RAM than the Asus had so she's happy, but I have no idea what brand it is. Wasn't cheap either.

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