Saturday, May 31, 2008

I Just Don't Get This

Well, we got the phone back. But not before it had gone for a swim.

The police made a visit to the store to look over security footage and the manager identified the store cleaner as the thief. The cleaner was on shift at the time and figured something was up so he skedaddled out to his car (where he’d been keeping the phone), excused himself to use the facilities and walked out some time later with a dripping wet phone, making out he had found it inside the toilet bowl. Ewwwwwww! Remember, I’d USED those toilets which is when the phone was swiped in the first place - it wasn’t pretty in there!

The police put the hard word on him and he eventually owned up and offered to pay for a replacement phone but as a consequence he has to appear in court and will probably lose his job. In the meantime, I still need a new phone! I mean, why couldn’t he just have handed it over? Why be spiteful and try to flush it down the loo? Sigh.

Amazingly, the thing still works and I was able to write down important numbers and such but there’s no way I could use it again after that. We still have to pay for a new phone (at $7 per month) but at least we have a small chance of getting some of our money back, even if the court date isn’t for a few months.

People just amaze me with their stupidity sometimes. The phone wasn’t worth losing a job over!


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