Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Week Of Lunches ~ Wednesday

On The Menu Today
“Lazy Bones Soup”

I wasn’t feeling particularly brilliant today. I’ve been a bit ‘meh’ for a couple of weeks actually - I’ve had a nagging cough which, frustratingly, won’t produce phlegm. This is actually rather important if you want to feel as though a cold is progressing. I’ve been sounding like a harp seal for weeks but don’t have any other sympathy-inducing symptoms that would render me unable to, you know, cook dinner or something. Just this annoying cough! Even Talented Hubby is beginning to roll his eyes. Don’t worry hon, I agree with you.

Today however, I just couldn’t make my body DO anything. Ever had one of those days? Then I got a headache. Tried to read for a bit, no dice. Eventually I felt so horrible that I lay down for a nap. Despite popular housewife lore, napping during the daytime is an extremely rare event in this house. But today, I ended up sleeping for two hours and woke up feeling worse than before (can somebody explain to me how that works?) I also missed lunch somewhere in amongst that so I was ravenous and not about to chop up fourteen billion ingredients for another salad, and I opted for the easy way out. It was 4:00 before I even slurped it down.

Now, I’d like to tell you this was from a freezer stash of soups I lovingly and creatively prepared weeks in advance for such a day as this. After all, this is what Martha would do, right? And I’d love to regale you with tales of a simmering crockpot and warm-and-fuzzy family banter around the dinner table. That, however, would be pushing the boundaries of truth.

Nobody’s perfect!


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